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City Council meeting of August 18, 2003 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE RESIGNATION OF TOM JESINSKI FROM THE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br />Tom Jesinski submitted a letter of resignation from his position on the Historical Commission. Changes <br />in his personal life prompted his regretful resignation. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the <br />resignation and directed staff to advertise for the vacancy. <br />APPROVE CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE HUGO FIRE DEPT. <br />The Hugo Fire Department made application for a charitable gambling license to hold its annual bingo <br />event at their 20d Annual Booya Festival scheduled for September 13, 2003. The HFD completed the <br />necessary application. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the charitable gambling license for the <br />Hugo Fire Department to conduct bingo at their Booya Festival scheduled for September 13, 2003. <br />APPROVE BEER AND WINE LICENSE FOR ST. JOHN'S CHURCH <br />On behalf of St. Johns the Baptist Church, Mike Gibbs submitted a license application to sell wine and <br />beer at its August 22-23, 2003 chicken dinner festival. Liquor license insurance coverage and approval <br />from the state has been received by the City. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the wine and <br />beer license for St. Johns the Baptist Church. <br />APPROVE DENIAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE FOR MAHMOOD HASSAN (THE END ZONE) <br />On June 24, 2003, the City received a liquor license application from Mahmood Hassan, who has <br />entered into a purchase agreement to buy the End Zone, and reopen it as a restaurant featuring Pakistani <br />and Indian cuisine. A background investigation was completed by the Washington County Sheriff's <br />Department, and it was forwarded to the City indicating that Mr. Hassan was a satisfactory applicant for <br />a license. However, a purchase agreement for the End Zone has been thoroughly reviewed by City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder, and it indicates that Mr. Hassan cannot obtain clear ownership of the business <br />and property. Additionally, there are a number of outstanding taxes and fees that have not been paid as <br />well, and which need to be paid in advance to the issue of a license, according to City code. Mr. Hassan <br />faxed a memo to the City requesting that the issue be tabled to a later date. <br />Miran made motion, Haas seconded, to table this matter until the next regular meeting on 9/2/03. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SIDE YARD SETBACK AMENDMENT <br />On June 26, 2003, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider amending the side yard <br />setback requirement in the Rural Residential, Agricultural, and Future Urban Reserve zoning districts. <br />The amendment would decrease the side yard setback in these districts from 40 feet to 20 feet. Prior to <br />1999, the setback was 20 feet. Staff requested that the Planning Commission and Council consider <br />revising the setback standard based on the numerous variance requests over the past three years. The <br />Council has approved over twenty side yard setback variances in the last three years and has denied <br />none. Upon discussion of the ordinance, the Planning Commission voted by a 4 to 1 vote to keep the 40 - <br />foot setback requirement. CD Director John Rask provided an overview of the amendment at the <br />