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City Council meeting of August 18, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND SALARY MATRIX ADJUSTMENT FOR PW <br />WORKER (MIKE LOEFFLER) <br />Mike Loeffler was hired by the City on August S, 2002. After completing his first year of service with <br />the City, Mike has proved to be a valuable asset to the Public Works Department, and a welcomed <br />addition to the City Hall team. Mike is a dedicated, committed, and conscientious member of the PW <br />department. One of his greatest skills is his 20 years of experience on a motor grader. Mike takes great <br />pride in delivering a high quality level of service to the community. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the performance appraisal for Mike and the salary adjustment as prescribed in the City's salary <br />matrix. <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND SALARY MATRIX ADJUSTMENT FOR PW <br />WORKER (ROB WELDON) <br />Rob Weldon was hired by the City on August S, 2002. Over the past year, Rob has proven himself as a <br />valued asset to the Public Works Department and welcomed addition to the City Hall teams. Rob's <br />attentiveness to detail and "can do" attitude, are matched by his drive to do a job well. Rob's sincerity <br />and strong desire to provide a high level of quality service is recognized by his peers. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the performance appraisal for Rob and the salary adjustment as prescribed in <br />the City's salary matrix. <br />ACCEPT DONATION FROM WILSON TOOL TO THE HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />Each year, Wilson Tool makes a donation to the Hugo Fire Department for its assistance in helping with <br />Wilson's Tool annual picnic. With the picnic held last week, and the involvement of the HFD in the <br />day's activities, the City received a $400 check from Wilson Tool as a public "thank you" for the <br />services of the HFD. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the $400 donatiop from Wilson Tool <br />and publicly thanked them for their civic generosity. <br />APPROVE RESCHEDULING OF FIRST REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TO TUESDAY. <br />SEPTEMBER 12003 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda rescheduled the first meeting in September to Tuesday, September 2, <br />2003, due to the Labor Day holiday. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH SCHWIETERS FOR LOTS 4 AND S. BEIP <br />John and Joel Schwieters would like to exercise their option to purchase Lots 4 and S, Block 1, Bald Eagle <br />Industrial Park P Addition. Schwieters would like to purchase Lot 4 because it is located between Lot S <br />and Fenway Blvd. The sewer interceptor runs through Lot 4, which makes the lot unbuildable. Lot S <br />contains approximately 2.9 acres of upland and the remainder of the property is wetland. A substantial <br />amount of fill is needed to prepare the site for development. A draft purchase agreement specifies a <br />purchase price of $85,602. This amount is based on the same TIF formula used for other properties in the <br />industrial park. Further, the purchase price is based on the usable upland acreage, which excludes the <br />wetlands and sanitary sewer easements. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase agreement <br />with Schwieters Properties. <br />