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2003.10.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.10.20 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of October 20, 2003 <br />Page 4 <br />Since this is a new service in the community, the applicant projects the revenue to be small in the short <br />term, but larger in the future. The applicant is also proposing to provide 10 services (subscriptions to <br />the City) that can be used by Fire Department, which currently has a dial up connection; the future <br />public works facility; on-call staff members; and other City -related needs. CD Director John Rask <br />reviewed a number of issues with Council. City staff recommended Council consider the draft Lease <br />Agreement under the terms and conditions set forth for leasing space on the water towers, which were <br />constructed to accommodate cellular telephone and other wireless antennas. Council member Granger <br />was concerned with potential service interference should another provider operate in town. The <br />possibility of the City owningloperating the service was still an issue. Council member Granger <br />expressed his desire to do some more research on the issue and questioned the need for a 5 -year <br />contract, and whether there could be a different rate for smaller businesses as opposed to bigger <br />businesses like Wilson Tool or Schwieters. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of 11/3/03. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ACQUISITION OF 3/ TON TRUCK FOR HAZMAT/DECON TRAILER <br />At its October 6, 2003 meeting, Council formally accepted the hazmat/decon trailer from the U.S. <br />Government and the Division of Homeland Security responsible for providing trailers throughout the <br />United States. The Council accepted the trailer and directed staff to work out the issue of acquiring a <br />used 3/s pickup truck, which will be used to tow the trailer to the 15 other communities and the Region <br />1 Fire Service District. City staff obtained a Blue Book value for the 2000 red 3/a ton Chevrolet truck <br />in the public works department, and recommended that this value be deducted from the fire department <br />budget with a replacement truck secured at some time in the future for the public works department <br />through the City's sale of equipment certificates. The Council will further discuss this issue at its <br />October 24'h budget workshop. <br />UPDATE ON NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING FOR PAVING ELMCREST AVENUE <br />At its October 6, 2003 meeting, Council accepted staff's recommendation to schedule a neighborhood <br />meeting to discuss the bituminous paving of Elmcrest Avenue, south of CR 8. On Tuesday, October <br />14, 2003, CD Director John Rask and City staff held a neighborhood meeting to discuss this issue, and <br />more importantly, the funding. CD John Rask presented the results of the meeting for consideration by <br />Council, identifying resident concerns of increased traffic volumes and higher rates of speed. PW <br />Director Chris Petree outlined the amount of time and money that is expended for this stretch of road. <br />Developer Len Pratt approached Council with an offer to blacktop Elmcrest Avenue, with a <br />bituminous 2 W', overlay from the Fable Hills development to Victor Gardens, at no cost to the City. <br />In light of this offer, Council felt it necessary for staff to hold another neighborhood meeting. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to move forward with the proposal by <br />incorporating it into the Development Agreement, and schedule another neighborhood meeting with <br />Council to again discuss this matter. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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