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2003.10.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.10.20 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of October 20, 2003 <br />Page 5 <br />UPDATE ON RAILROAD CROSSING FOR CSAH 8/14 PROJECT <br />At its October 6, 2003 meeting, Council accepted staff's recommendation to change the request for an <br />abandonment of the railroad between 14& Street and 145'' Street to a crossing in order to connect the <br />CR 8/14 project to TH61. City staff was directed to forward this recommendation to the Washington <br />County Board for consideration at its October 28, 2003 meeting. On October 9, 2003, City staff and <br />representatives from Washington County held a meeting to discuss in detail the issues related to the <br />obtaining of a crossing from MnDOT versus the abandonment. County officials were favorable to the <br />City's request for a change in the connection of CR 8/14 to TH61 and agreed that they would place it <br />on the Consent Agenda, with a further follow up, detailed report after the administrative hearing was <br />held before MnDOT. Rick Arnebeck, MnDOT Community Services Manager, was present at the <br />meeting and stated that he would follow up with the City's application and schedule a meeting to <br />further clarify and expedite the application process. No formal Council action was taken. <br />REQUEST FOR SPEED REDUCTION ON TH61 AT 130TH STREET <br />Hugo resident Jill Hughes submitted a letter to the City requesting a speed reduction on TH61 in the <br />area of 130' Street. She outlines in her letter the rationale for such a request and staff forwarded it to <br />Council for discussion. City Engineer Dave Mitchell has submitted a request for a traffic signal to <br />MnDOT for that intersection, and Dave expressed concern that a traffic study in the area could <br />jeopardize the City's effort to obtain the traffic signal. Ms. Hughes makes several important points in <br />her letter, but at this time, staff recommended not to jeopardize the funding request. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to table this matter until a decision has been made on the <br />traffic signal request. Staff was directed to send a letter to Ms. Hughes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY 800 MHZ MEETING ON OCTOBER 29, 2003 <br />City staff received a letter from Washington County Administrator Jim Schug regarding the County's <br />interest in the funding of an 800 mhz communication system. The County has requested official City <br />attendance at the Wednesday, October 29, 2003 meeting and City Administrator Mike Ericson will <br />represent the City. No formal Council was taken. <br />RCWD HARDWOOD CREEK STUDY MEETING OF OCTOBER 22, 2003 <br />City staff received a letter from Steve Hobbs, Administrator for the RCWD, about a Wednesday, <br />October 22, 2003 meeting regarding the study of the Hardwood Creek area. Senior Engineering <br />Technician Scott Anderson will be in attendance to represent the City. <br />AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH RFP FOR COMBINED CITY ENGINEERING <br />SERVICES <br />Senior engineering technician Scott Anderson has been with the City for more than two months now, <br />and has had an opportunity to work closely with, and interact with, City Engineer Dave Mitchell from <br />
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