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2003.11.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.11.03 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of November 3, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF CHEVROLET V2 -TON TRUCK FOR ENGINEERING DEPT. <br />At its October 20, 2003 meeting, Council discussed the reassignment of the 2000 red 3/ -ton Chevrolet <br />pickup truck to the HFD for use with the new hazmat/decontamination trailer, which was awarded to <br />the City as part of the U.S. Homeland Security Dept. Council directed staff to bring back a <br />recommendation as to the replacement for the truck. Public Works Director Chris Petree worked with <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin and recommended that the City purchase a 1/2 -ton pickup truck, which <br />would be used by the City's new senior engineering technician, Scott Anderson. Scott would use this <br />vehicle to provide engineering inspections for projects throughout the City and it would be stored on <br />City Hall property. Chris secured the purchase of the truck through the State of Minnesota cooperative <br />purchasing program, which allows the City to buy the vehicle in an already negotiated low price. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized the public works department to order the 2003 Chevrolet <br />Ski -ton 4x4 from Polar Chevrolet at a total price of $26,613.41, with funding paid for out of the City's <br />2003 general fund budget, as recommended by Finance Director Ron Otkin. <br />ACCEPT DONATION FROM THE NATIONAL ATAXIA FOUNDATION FOR THE HID <br />At its October 8, 2003 meeting, the National Ataxia Foundation Board of Directors approved the <br />HFD's request for a donation. This disease is commonly known to Minnesotans as the Bob Allison <br />disease and charitable gambling funds have been used to learn more about the disease. They have the <br />awarded the HFD a $1,000 donation. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the $1,000 donation <br />from the National Ataxia Foundation to the HFD. <br />ACCEPT DONATION FROM THE DEAD BROKE SADDLE CLUB FOR THE HFD <br />The HFD has continued its community efforts to provide firefighting and rescue services for the Dead <br />Broke Saddle Club for many years. On behalf of the club, the HFD was awarded a donation of $2,500. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the donation of $2,500 from the Dead Broke Saddle Club <br />for the HFD and Mayor Miron publicly thanked them for their generosity. <br />APPROVE HIRE OF PROBATIONARY FIREFIGHERS FOR HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />At the Council's June 2003 budget workshop, the HFD received authorization from Council to prepare <br />for the hiring of two, but not more than four, members to replace firefighters who had left the <br />department. A total of nine applicants were interviewed through the new hiring process. Fire Chief <br />Jim Compton recommended that four new members be hired by the City, contingent on a standard <br />preemployment physical: Tad Roemeling, Mark Koll, Tim Lorinser, and Todd Jones. Each applicant <br />will be placed on the standard Fire Department two-year probationary period. Both Tad and Mark are <br />available during the daytime, which was the greatest need for the department. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the hire of Tad Roemeling, Mark Koll, Tim Lorinser, and Todd Jones on <br />the Hugo Fire Department. <br />APPROVE ORDINANCE APPROVING INCREASE IN LIQUOR LICENSE FEES FOR 2004 <br />As part of its 2003 budget workshop in December 2002, Council accepted staff's recommendation to <br />consider fee increases for the liquor licenses in 2004. A public hearing was held on February 3, 2003, <br />
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