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City Council meeting of November 3, 2003. <br />Page 4 <br />at which public comment was taken regarding the proposed increase. Council agreed to leave liquor <br />license fees the same for 2003, but directed staff to provide for the increase and further directed the <br />City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to allow for such. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted <br />ORDINANCE 2003-380 to provide for the increase in liquor license fees for 2004. <br />APPROVE MINOR SUBDIVISION (KAREN NELSON) <br />Karen Nelson of 6831 137" Street requested a lot split to subdivide her 20 -acre parcel into two 10 -acre <br />parcels. Both lots would receive access from 137" Street (CSAH 8), with the westerly lot containing the <br />existing home and the new lot being sold for a future home site. The Planning Commission reviewed the <br />application on October 23, 2003 and recommended approval by a unanimous vote. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the minor subdivision for Karen Nelson, as recommended by the Planning <br />Commission. <br />APPROVE REZONING FROM AG TO LONG-TERM AG PRESERVE (ED TSCHIDA) <br />Edmund Tschida of 9822 152nd Street requested a rezoning from Agricultural to Long -Term <br />Agricultural. The rezoning would allow the property to be included in the Metropolitan Agricultural <br />Preservation Program, which provides tax relief and other benefits to the landowner. The Planning <br />Commission reviewed the application on October 23, 2003 and recommended approval by a <br />unanimous vote. By rezoning the property, the City Council certifies that the property is eligible for <br />agricultural preserve. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted ORDINANCE 2003-381 approving <br />the rezoning the property and Resolution 2003-59 adopting findings of fact. <br />Staff drafted a resolution authorizing the pursuit of a railroad crossing to accommodate CSAH 8/14 at <br />TH61 and 142nd Street. A written resolution is needed to memorialize the Council's decision in this <br />regard. Approval of the resolution will allow staff to present it to MN/DOT in connection with, and in <br />support of, the crossing application. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2003-60 <br />authorizing the pursuit of a railroad crossing to accommodate CSAH 8/14 at TH61 and 1420d Street. <br />Hardrives Inc submitted pay request #2 for work completed on the traffic signal at TH61 and 14& <br />Street. Project Manager Tom Tabler from SEH Engineers reviewed the pay request and found it to be <br />consistent with work completed to date. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the final pay <br />request from Hardrives Inc in the amount of $214,891.51. <br />ACCEPT RESIGNATION FROM DEAN WHITE FROM THE HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />In spring of 2003, firefighter Dean White requested and received from Council a leave of absence from <br />active membership on the HFD, due to changes in his personal life and employment. Changes in his <br />current employment allowed the Council to reappoint Dean in late June to active service on the HFD. <br />