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City Council meeting of January 7, 2002 <br />Page 5 <br />APPROVE DONATION FROM XCEL ENERGY FOR PARK FUND (CITY HALL Sff <br />Xcel Energy graciously donated $1,000 to the City's park fund for use in the landscaping of the new <br />City Hall site. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the $1,000 donation from Xcel Energy. <br />APPROVE REIMBURSEMENT TO ROYAL OAKS REALTY FOR PUBLIC <br />INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell reviewed the Development Agreement with Royal Oaks Realty for the <br />public infrastructure improvements made in the Woods of Bald Eagle subdivision. The City must <br />reimburse Royal Oaks Realty for additional costs for public infrastructure and improvements beyond <br />the standard engineering specifications. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reimbursement <br />of $55,730.83 to Royal Oaks Realty for additional public infrastructure and improvements in the Woods <br />of Bald Eagle subdivision. <br />APPOINTMENT OF JAMES CHRISTIANSEN AND KEVIN COLVARD AS REGULAR <br />MEMBERS OF THE HUGO FIRE DEPT. <br />James Christiansen and Kevin Colvard completed Firefighter 1 and EMT training, and have met the <br />required amount of drills, business meetings, in-house training, and response to calls. According to <br />Section 1300.15 of the Hugo FD SOG's, the Chief shall provide the City Clerk with a written statement <br />as to whether each appointee has satisfactorily met all requirements. Fire Chief Jim Compton has <br />recommended the appointment of Jim and Kevin as regular members of the Hugo Fire Dept. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of James Christiansen and Kevin Colvard as regular <br />members of the Hugo Fire Dept. <br />ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF JOE MCMAHON AS HUGO FIRE CHIEF <br />Joe McMahon submitted his resignation as the City's Fire Chief effective 12/31/01. He expressed his <br />appreciation to the City for the opportunity to work with and make so many friends. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda accepted the resignation of Joe McMahon as the Hugo Fire Chief effective 12/31 /O1. <br />ACCEPT FIRE CHIEF'S RECOMMENDATION FOR 2002 OFFICER APPOINTMENTS FOR <br />THE HUGO FIRE DEPT <br />Fire Chief Jim Compton selected the following firefighters to serve as officers for year 2002. As <br />Council is aware, Council authorized the appointment of Greg Burmeister as 1't Assistant and Jadon <br />011ila as 2°d Assistant Chief at its December 17, 2001 meeting. According to the Hugo FD's SOG, the <br />Fire Chief has the authority to appoint all other officers without authorization from the Council. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted Fire Chief Jim Compton's appointments for 2002: Dean <br />White, Safety Officer, Roger Dirks, Engine Captain; Marty Schwartz, Training Officer, Ron Gray, <br />Rescue Captain; Kurt Grainger, Engine Lieutenant; and Tony Bronk, Rescue Lieutenant. <br />APPROVE MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR BILL CULP AND NORMAN DANNER AT 14707 <br />IRISH AVENUE <br />Bill Culp and Norman Danner made application to the City for approval of a minor subdivision and two <br />