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City Council meeting of January 7, 2002 <br />Page 7 <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST FROM RICHARD KNUTSON, INC.. FOR WORK COMPLETED <br />TO DATE ON THE PELOQUIN IND PARK PROJECT <br />Richard Knutson, Inc., submitted a pay request for work completed to date on the Peloquin Industrial <br />Park project. City Engineer Dave Mitchell reviewed the pay request and found it to be consistent with <br />work completed to date. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved payment in the amount of <br />$223,002.51. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST FROM RICHARD KNUTSON INC. FOR WORK COMPLETED <br />ON SWEET GRASS MEADOWS DITCH PROJECT <br />Richard Knutson, Inc., submitted a pay request for work completed on the Sweet Grass Meadows Ditch <br />project. City Engineer Dave Mitchell reviewed the pay request and found it to be consistent with work <br />completed to date. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved payment in the amount of $26,916. <br />APPROVE HIRING OF JODIE GUARESCHI AS TEMPORARY RECEPTIONIST AND <br />AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR POSITION <br />At its December 17, 2001 meeting, the Council authorized the City Administrator to terminate the <br />probationary period of receptionist/deputy clerk Kristi Montanari. Jodie Guareschi has worked for the <br />City on a volunteer basis over the past year in a variety of capacities, but primarily as envelope stuffier <br />for the utility`bills. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring of Jodie Guareschi as the <br />temporary receptionist at a pay rate of $12/hr, and authorized staff to advertise for the full-time <br />receptionist/deputy clerk. <br />AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR BUILDING INSPECTOR POSITION <br />At its December 17, 2001 meeting, the Council accepted the resignation of building inspector Kevin <br />Hopp. The building department was successful in resecuring the services of two contract employees to <br />provide satisfactory staffing levels. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized staff to advertise for <br />the position of building inspector and to incorporate the use of interns in the building inspection <br />department as necessary. <br />APPROVE CHANGE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DATES <br />At its December 19, 2001 meeting, the PC discussed its meeting schedule for 2002. Given the likely <br />increase in workload, the Commission has agreed to begin meeting twice a month. The PC would like <br />to meet on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Currently, the PC meets on the fourth <br />Wednesday of each month. Councilman Puleo suggested this matter be tabled to find out if the Parks <br />Commission could change their meeting date from Wednesday night. Councilman Haas stated that the <br />Planning Commission had already agreed to Thursday nights and the Council should concur with their <br />decision. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the change to the PC meeting dates to the second and <br />fourth Thursday of each month from the current fourth Wednesday of each month. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />