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City Council meeting of January 7, 2002 <br />Page 8 <br />DUSTLOCK PILOT PROGRAM (DUST CONTROL SPECIALTIESI <br />At its October 5, 2001 meeting, the Council discussed the use of dustlock as a liquid application on <br />selected gravel roads in the City. Public Works Director Chris Petree prepared a gravel road survey that <br />was reviewed by Council for discussion and comment. The cost to apply dustlock was $16,839.24 in <br />2001, with a total estimated cost savings on these roads of $3,000 to $3,500. Although a majority of the <br />returned surveys indicated a support of the use of dustlock, Council raised a number of questions <br />regarding cost savings, potholes, curvature in the roads, and soft spots. Council directed staff to discuss <br />these issues with Dust Control Specialties, vendor for the dustlock product, and report back to Council <br />on its issues of concern. Wade Scott and Brian Hmilton from Dust Control Specialties were present at <br />the meeting to discuss with Council those issues of concern. They proposed an additional cost savings <br />in 2002, if Council desires to use the product again. Dust Control Specialties estimated the cost for the <br />same roads in 2002 at an amount of $13,817, a cost savings of over $3,000 from 2001. <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, to accept proposal from Dust Control Specialties to apply <br />dustlock to Inwood Avenue, Ingersoll Avenue, 175'" Street, and 132d Street, at a cost of $13,817. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 15717 FOREST BLVD. <br />At its December 17, 2001 meeting, the Council directed staff to submit an offer of 10% over the <br />assessed value for *the land and building at 15717 Forest Blvd. City staff submitted the offer to the local <br />realtor for the property and provided an update for Council as to its purchase agreement offer. <br />Additionally, Council directed staff to prepare a utilization plan of the building's footprint to include <br />trucks and equipment for a proposed public works facility. City Administrator Michael Ericson notified <br />the Council that the realtor rejected the City's purchase offer, and suggested the Council schedule a <br />special meeting to discuss the future of the public works dept. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to schedule a special meeting for Monday, January 28, 2002, <br />Hugo City Hall, at 7:30 pm, to discuss the future needs of the City's public works dept. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />165TH STREET DITCH PROJECT/ONEKA LAKE OUTLET PROJECT <br />At its November 5, 2001 meeting, the Council was informed by Water Resource Engineer Pete <br />Willenbring about the 165" Street Ditch/Oneka Lake outlet project. Pete updated the Council on the <br />scope of the project and explained how the project could be funded. Council accepted Pete's estimate <br />of $3,800 to $5,400 to update the proposal and directed him to bring a draft proposal back in 45 days. <br />Pete prepared a feasibility study for the project and presented it for consideration by Council. Property <br />owners Beverly Aplikowski, and Brian Shlenk brom Bruggeman Homes, a representative for the <br />Arcand property, were present at the meeting and expressed their interest in the project and stated they <br />would be willing to pay for the project "up front". Fegowi Rentals wanted more time to review the <br />study before committing. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to accept the 165" Street Ditch Project/Oneka Lake Outlet <br />