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City Council meeting of February 20, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR VICTOR GARDENS <br />For the past several months, City staff has met with Len Pratt, the developer for Victor Gardens, to revise <br />the Development Agreement to the satisfaction of both parties. City Attorney Dave Snyder and CD <br />Director John Rask have made all the necessary revisions to the Development Agreement. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the Development Agreement for Victor Gardens as <br />amended. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />165'` STREET DITCH CLEANING AND ONEKA LAKE OUTLET PROJECT <br />At its January 7, 2002 meeting, the Hugo City Council accepted the feasibility study for the 16P Street <br />Ditch/Oneka Lake Outlet Project, prepared by Water Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring from WSB <br />Engineers at the direction of the Council. Council directed staff to schedule a public hearing on the project <br />in order to take public comment regarding whether to proceed with the project. As Council is aware, staff <br />suggested up -front payment from the major landowners in order for the project to be fully funded and to <br />proceed. Pete Willenbring presented the project's scope and highlighted suggested funding methods. <br />Mayor Miron opened the public hearing with the following making public comment: <br />Greg Bernier, 15 44 Forest Blvd., questioned whether an easement would affect building setbacks <br />requirements, and was advised that the setback would not be affected. Staff will research a setback with the <br />City's building official for a building constructed by Mr. Bernier. <br />Elizabeth Hex, ann, 6189 165th Street, questioned whether the project would include her property north of the <br />Busy B Enterprise property. Engineer Willenbring stated that the City would include this area if property <br />owners would agree to grant easements to the City for no charge. <br />Bryon Bogenrief, 16120 Harrow Avenue, was concerned with the level of Oneka Lake and what "safety valve" <br />would be in place if the project had to be stopped. It was suggested that because the DNR would have made a <br />financial investment in Oneka Lake for the purchase of the, that they would be diligent in <br />making sure that the approved water elevation of the lake would be maintained. <br />Bonnie Weber, 7222 Oneka Lake Blvd., questioned whether the ditch project could be done without the outlet <br />from Oneka Lake. ' <br />Gary Weber, 7222 Oneka Lake Blvd., questioned whether the project would drain the Riopel property on 165'h <br />Street and ultimately drain Oneka Lake. Engineer Willenbring stated that the project would not affect the <br />Riopel property. <br />Beverly Aplikowski, Busy B Enterprises, requested the Council look favorably on the project. <br />Janice Arcand, wintering in Florida, submitted her comment in writing and requested support of the project by <br />the Council. <br />Mayor Miron closed the public hearing for Council discussion. Council member Petryk requested Pete explain <br />