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City Council meeting of February 20, 2002 <br />Page 4 <br />drainage in the area with/without the ditch project. Councilman Haas felt that the project would be a benefit to <br />all concerned. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, authorizing Water Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring to prepare plans <br />and specifications for the project, and directing the City Attorney to prepare a Cooperative Agreement between <br />the City and the landowners. Staff shall begin discussion with the property owners north the proposed project to <br />determine their interest in being included in the ditch cleaning project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH CITY FEE SCHEDULE <br />At its January 22, 2002 meeting, the Hugo City Council reviewed with staff the draft City fee schedule, as <br />prepared by Computer Integrated Technologies, suggesting increases in a variety of City fees. City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder advised Council that in order to establish City fees annually with a resolution, the <br />Council should adopt an ordinance under which the resolution would apply. A public hearing was called to <br />solicit public comment on the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff regarding the formal <br />establishment of an ordinance that would establish City fees by resolution. Mayor Miron called the public <br />hearing to order and there were no oral or written comments. Council noted that developers are responsible <br />for all fees charged to their particular development. <br />Petryk made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to develop an ordinance that would establish City fees <br />by resolution for Council consideration. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY S MANAGEMENT PLAN (RCWD REQUESTS CITY TO COMPLETE <br />SNVMM MODEL) <br />Water Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring from WSB Engineers resubmitted the City's Stormwater <br />Management Plan to the Rice Creek Watershed District for acceptance and approval late last fall. RCWD <br />officials are in the process of reviewing the plan and have suggested the SWMM Model be used to model <br />some of the stormwater collection system west of TH61. RCWD's Engineer EOR met with City officials <br />one month ago to discuss this work. Pete Willenbring presented this issue to Council for discussion and a <br />decision regarding a need for the additional SWMM modeling. The Council felt that the additional <br />modeling would benefit the RCWD as much as the City. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to incorporate language in the City's Water Stormwater <br />Management acknowledging benefit of the additional modeling for the RCWD and that the City would be <br />willing to provide leadership in a joint cooperative study to identify the flowage downstream of TH61. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSS JD2 CULVERT DESIGN (FEBRUARY 7, 2002 BLUE RIBBON TASK FORCE <br />The Blue Ribbon Task Force met on February 7, 2002 to discuss the culvert design for JD2 crossings. <br />