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2002.06.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2002 CC Minutes
2002.06.17 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of June 17, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />line. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance (Resolution 2002-24) based on the fact the <br />pole building would be over 200 feet from the road and would be screened by existing trees. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST (DORDING) <br />Carrie Dording requested approval of a five-foot side yard setback where 10 feet is required for <br />construction of a 12 -foot x 36 -foot deck located at 13921 Fountain Avenue North. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the variance (Resolution 2002-25) based on the findings outlined in the staff <br />report. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT OF TRUCK <br />The Council authorized staff to include the purchase of a pickup truck for the building inspection <br />department in the CIP for 2002. At its November 5, 2001 meeting, the Council authorized staff to <br />auction off the red 1988 Chevrolet S 10 pickup truck, which was inoperable. The new truck would <br />replace the 1988 S 10 pickup. Staff has completed all background research on this vehicle that would be <br />purchased off the state contract through the Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV). Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda authorized purchase of a 2002 Chevrolet S 10 for a total amount of $19,489. <br />APPROVE REGULAR FULL-TIME STATUS AND HIRING OF JODIE GUARESCHI AS <br />UTILITY BILLING CLERK <br />At its January 7, 2002 meeting, the Council approved the hiring of Jodie Guareschi as the part-time <br />receptionist. She filled the vacancy created when Kristi Montanari left employment with the City. Jodie <br />has worked in that position on a temporary basis. Since that time, and with the move to the new City <br />Hall, the duties and responsibilities are significantly increased with the level of service established by <br />Council with the use of a receptionist to answer all incoming telephone calls. Additionally, Jodie's work <br />as the utility billing clerk in the finance department, under the supervision of finance director Ron Otkin, <br />offers an opportunity for the delegation of routine finance department responsibilities. City <br />Administrator Mike Ericson and Finance Director Ron Otkin concur that it is justified to create the <br />regular full-time position of utility billing clerk/receptionist in order to meet the ever-increasing public <br />demands at the new City Hall. Adoption of the Consent Agenda hired Jodie Guareschi as the regular <br />full-time utility billing clerk/receptionist and that she be hired at Pay Grade 3, Step 1, which is the same <br />rate for the deputy clerk, effective June 17, 2002. She would be subject to the standard pre-employment <br />physical and serve a six-month probationary period as well. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST FROM BEVER AND SONS FOR CITY HALL LANDSCAPING <br />Bever and Sons submitted its first pay request to the City for work completed to date on the landscaping <br />and rainwater gardens on the new City Hall site. Laurie McRostie from SEH and staff reviewed the pay <br />request and found it to be consistent with work completed to date. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />authorized payment in the amount of $37,006.35 to Bever and Sons. <br />
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