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City Council meeting of July 15, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Change Order No. 2 for Richard Knutson, Inc., for Work Completed on Peloquin Industrial <br />Park Public Improvement Project <br />Approve Variance and Lot Line Adjustment for Joe and Sandy Niemczyk <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims for July 15, 2002 as presented. <br />APPROVE REQUEST TO HOLD BLOCK PARTY ON GENEVA AVE (STEVE QUASI) <br />Steve Quast, a Hugo resident living at 13690 Geneva Avenue, has made application to the City to hold a <br />neighborhood block party on Saturday, August 17, 2002. He is requesting that a portion of Geneva <br />Avenue be blocked off to allow for him and his neighbors to hold a block party much like the Sweet <br />Grass Meadows block party held a month ago. City staff has reviewed the request and found it to be <br />consistent with the block party requests received in the past. The Parks Commission, WCSO, and the <br />Public Works Department have been notified of this request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the request to hold a block party on Geneva Avenue, just south of CR8A on August 17, 2002. <br />AUTHORIZE HIRING OF TWO FULL-TEWE PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYEES <br />On May 6, 2002, Council authorized staff to advertise for the hiring of two new full-time public works <br />employees. The City received 158 applications for the positions, and after ranking, interviewed the top <br />20 candidates. The first interview list was pared down to seven candidates, who were then interviewed <br />for a second time by the interview team consisting of City Administrator Mike Ericson, Public Works <br />Director Chris Petree, and Public Works worker Tom Smith. The interview team concurred that the City <br />received a number of excellent applicants, who were well qualified for the position making the selection <br />process a lengthy one. The interview team recommends Council hire Robert Weldon and Michael <br />Loeffler as the new public works employees. These employees would be subject to the standard pre- <br />employment physical examination and standard six-month probationary period. These individuals will <br />be hired at a rate of $18/hr, and upon successful completion of the 6 -month probationary period, will be <br />inserted into the City's pay scale at a pay grade 5, Step 2, which is currently $18.32/hr. Council member <br />Frank Puleo requested more time to review the resumes of Robert Weldon and Michael Loeffler, as well <br />as the applications of the other top seven candidates, so the issue was tabled until the July 15, 2002 <br />Council meeting. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring of Robert Weldon and Michael <br />Loeffler at the new public works employs, subject to the standard six-month probationary period. <br />APPROVAL FOR HUGO LIONS TO HOLD CULPEPPER & MERRIWEATHER CIRCUS Q-) <br />LIONS PARK ON AUGUST 2 AND AUGUST 3 <br />The Hugo Lions Club has made application to the City of Hugo to hold the Culpepper & Merriweather <br />Circus on Friday, August 2, 2002 and Saturday, August 3, 2002 at Lions Park. This is the same circus <br />that came to town two years ago, and it was very popular and well attended by Hugo residents and young <br />families. Staff reviewed the availability of the park with the WBL Recreation Department, and it is <br />available both of those days. Along with the support from the Hugo Lions Club and the area businesses, <br />