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City Council meeting of July 15, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda TP roved the use of Lions Park for the Culpepper & Merriweather <br />Circus on August 2°d and August 3 . <br />ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF HUGO FIREFIGHTER KEN LINDBERG <br />Hugo firefighter Ken Lindberg has submitted his resignation from the Hugo Fire Department due to a <br />change in his employment schedule. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the resignation of Ken <br />Lindberg from the Hugo FD, and that his name be held in good standing should he require readmittance <br />at some time in the future. <br />APPROVE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR 5708159 CIRCLE (KiA YANG) <br />Kia Yang has made application to the City for approval of an Encroachment Agreement to encroach 7' <br />into the drainage and utility easement for construction of a deck on her property at 5708 1590' Circle. <br />The deck would be 15' wide by 12' deep. City staff has reviewed the application and found that it <br />would be acceptable under the City's zoning ordinance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />Encroachment Agreement for the construction of a deck that would encroach 7' into the drainage and <br />utility easement at the home located at 5708 1590' Circle. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND SALARY ADJUSTMENT (CHRIS <br />PETREE <br />The City hired Chris Petree on July 19, 1999 as the City's maintenance worker. Over the past three <br />years, Chris has worked diligently in his role as maintenance worker and now with his promotion to <br />Public Works Director over the past year, to build an excellent foundation for the City's newly created <br />Public Works Department. As a hard worker who is very organized and extremely conscientious, Chris <br />was directly responsible for assisting and making the move for the City Hall employees to the new <br />facility, and for creating and refurbishing the old City Hall into the new Hugo public works facility. He <br />has worked closely with the City Administrator and the Council to create a public works organizational <br />chart to allow for the building of the department through the hiring of excellent employees. He does an <br />excellent job and is relied upon by all City employees and the Council, respectively. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved Chris Petree's annual performance review and salary adjustment as <br />prescribed in the City's salary matrix. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR JOE AND SANDY NIEMCZYK <br />The applicants are requesting approval of a variance from the minimum lot width requirement to allow a <br />property line adjustment for their properties located at 17115 Henna Avenue North and 76661700' Street N. <br />The Niemczyks would like to subdivide 10 acres from their property at 17115 Henna Ave. N. consisting of <br />approximately 25.4 acres, and add it to the 10 acres at 7666 1700 St. N., creating a 20 -acre parcel. The <br />property line adjustment would reduce the current road frontage by 664± feet for the parcel located at 17115 <br />Henna Ave. N., leaving approximately 61± feet of road frontage. City ordinance requires 300 feet minimum <br />lot width in the Agricultural Zoning District. Vince and Peggy Neimczyk own the lot to the north, 17233 <br />Henna Ave. The home on the property requesting the variance is currently being accessed through the <br />property at 17233 Henna Ave. The parcels are under common family ownership but are noncontiguous. <br />The property is divided by a 50 -foot wide utility right-of-way owned by St. Croix Falls Minnesota <br />