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City Council meeting of July 15, 2002 <br />Page 4 <br />Improvement Company. Further, the home at 17115 Henna will eventually be removed. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the variance and lot line adjustment as requested by Joe and Sandy Niemczyk. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.2 FOR RICHARD KNUTSON, INC.. FOR WORK <br />COMPLETED ON THE PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL P.I. PROJECT <br />Richard Knutson, Inc., has submitted Change Order No. 2 for costs related to remobilization and <br />completion of construction of the project in the spring rather than the winter for an additional cost of <br />$63,000. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adjusts the contract sum from $1,186,307.69 to <br />$1,199,307.69. <br />APPROVE LAWFUL GAMBLING LICENSE FOR ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH <br />St. John the Baptist Church, 14383 Forest Boulevard, has made application to the City to conduct <br />gambling activities at their festival to be held on August 25, 2002. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the lawful gambling license for the St. John the Baptist Church to conduct lawful gambling <br />activities at their festival to be held on August 25, 2002, and waiver of the 30 -day waiting period. <br />APPROVE MINING PERMIT (ATKINSON) <br />Dean and Ruby Atkinson have made application to the City for approval of its biannual excavating and <br />mining permit for their property located at 147`h Street and Irish Avenue. A public hearing was <br />scheduled to take public comment regarding their Mining Permit. The public hearing was called to order <br />and there were no oral or written comments regarding the operation. CD Director John Rask provided a <br />brief history of the operation and stated that no complaints about the business have registered with the <br />City. Dean and Mike Atkinson briefly addressed the Council. It was suggested that the Mr. Atkinson <br />provide the City with documentation as to how much material has been removed from the pit should the <br />City need to provide maintenance to the haul roads. If needed, Dust Lock can be considered for dust <br />control. If the City does not already have one, a reclamation plan should be submitted, as well. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the bi-annual Mining Permit for Dean and Ruby <br />Atkinson with recommended changes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR VICTOR GARDENS <br />Len Pratt requested a vacation of the existing drainage and utility easements located on Outlots C and L of <br />the Victor Gardens plat. The easements cover the area to be platted as Victor Gardens Second Addition and <br />were put over the oudots at the request of the Rice Creek Watershed District. The easements were intended <br />to be temporary easements until the oudots are developed at which time the necessary storm water <br />improvements would be installed and new easement dedicated. On June 17, 2002, the City Council <br />approved the final plat for Victor Gardens 2°d Addition, which included the necessary drainage and utility <br />easements. The public hearing was called to order with no oral or written comments. <br />