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City Council meeting of September 3, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE TEMPORARY BEER LICENSE FOR THE HUGO AMERICAN LEGION POST <br />#620 (OCTOBER 6.20021 <br />The Hugo American Legion Post #620 made application to the City for approval of a temporary 3.2 beer <br />license to sell beer at their booya at the Lions Park on Saturday, October 12, 2002. City staff reviewed <br />the application and found it to be completed satisfactorily with all necessary insurance riders covered. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the temporary beer license for the Hugo American Legion <br />Post #620 to sell beer on October 6, 2002. <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND SALARY ADJUSTMENT (MARY ANN <br />CREAGER) <br />City Clerk Mary Ann Creager has worked for the City of Hugo for 26 years. During this time, Mary Ann <br />has moved from a part-time clerk to a full-time clerk, and has become the most integral member of the <br />City Hall team. Mary Ann has a number of important roles with the City, including elections, licensing, <br />public noticing, and all City Council agendas. Mary Ann is a hard worker, who is a trusted and valued <br />member of the City Hall team. The biweekly preparation of the City Council agenda is the most <br />important task that Mary Ann completes with diligence and enthusiasm second to none.. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review and salary adjustment as prescribed in the <br />City's salary matrix. <br />APPROVE EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT (FIRE CHIEF'S VEHICLEI <br />Fire Chief Jim Compton made application to the State of Minnesota for approval of an emergency <br />vehicle permit to allow him to use his personal pickup as a designated emergency vehicle for the HFD. <br />This issue has been reviewed by the City Attorney and the City's insurance agent, whereby a resolution <br />from the Council would need to be approved, and an agreement by the City to pay for the insurance on <br />his personal vehicle. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the emergency vehicle permit for Fire <br />Chief Jim Compton in order for him to use his personal pickup truck as a designated HFD emergency <br />vehicle. <br />APPROVE PAY ADJUSTMENT FOR CITY HALL CUSTODIAN (RUTH HODGSONI <br />Ruth Hodgson has been the City Hall and Fire Hall custodian since June 1999. Ruth is an extremely <br />hard worker, who tackles all the custodial chores with vigor and an eye for cleanliness, and has not <br />received a raise from the City in more than three years. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved a <br />salary adjustment for Ruth Hodgson raising her hourly rate to $16.25/hr. <br />APPROVE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (GARY MARKOVICHI <br />Gary Markovich made application to the City for approval of a property line adjustment for his property <br />located at 16325 Forest Blvd. Mr. Markovich is purchasing a 20' x 1,700' strip of property from his <br />neighbor. City staff reviewed the request and found it to be consistent with City code. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the property line adjustment for Gary Markovich on property located at 16325 <br />Forest Blvd by adopting Resolution 2002-44. <br />