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City Council meeting of September 3, 2002 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE FINAL PLAT FOR WHITE OAK FIELDS <br />Rodney Bahr, developer for the White Oak Fields subdivision, made application to the City for approval <br />of the final plat for his project, which consists of four rural residential lots located north of the <br />intersection of 132nd Street and Hadley Avenue. At its July 15, 2002 meeting, the Council approved the <br />preliminary plat for four rural residential lots on this 40.6 acre piece of property. The final plat complies <br />with the conditions of the preliminary plat approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved a <br />resolution (2002-45) approving the final plat for Rodney Bahr and his White Oak Fields subdivision. <br />APPROVE REQUEST FOR FUNDS FROM RCWD FOR ADDITIONAL WORK AT CITY <br />HALL SITE <br />Bever and Sons Landscaping completed the construction of the waterfall at the Hugo City Hall site. <br />There was significant amount of additional work completed, which was a result of engineering changes <br />that had been approved by Emmons Olivier Resources, the RCWD's engineer. Council authorized final <br />payment to Bever and Sons for work completed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized the <br />submittal to the RCWD of the cost for the additional work, along with SEH engineering, in the amount <br />of $21,342.27. <br />APPROVE REPAIR TO HFD GRASS FIRE RIG <br />The Hugo Fire Department's 1954 Willy's jeep that was converted into a grass fire rig in 1988 needs <br />some significant repair work, at an estimated of $2,736.50 from Northstar Willy's. Council member <br />Granger felt that the grass fire rig was too old to invest that amount of money for repairs. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, directing the Fire Chief to purchase a used Jeep and convert it <br />into a grass fire'rig, including new paint job and full reconversion, in an amount not to exceed $15,000. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION EOUIPMENT AT 14e STREET AND TH61 <br />At its August 5, 2002 meeting, the Council accepted staffs recommendation to seek separate bids for <br />traffic signal equipment for the traffic light at TH61 and 140 Street. City Engineer Dave Mitchell <br />prepared specifications and bids were opened on Friday, August 30, 2002 at 11:00 am. <br />Granger made motion, Miron seconded, to accept the City Engineer's recommendation and accept the <br />following bids: materials and electrical equipment to Brown Traffic Products, Inc in the amount of <br />$8,606; mast arms and poles to Egan -McKay Electrical Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $55,632; and <br />emergency vehicle preemption to Traffic Control Corporation in the amount of $12,951. <br />All aye. Motion Carried <br />ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR HOMEOWNERS IN SWEET GRASS MEADOWS <br />At its August 19, 2002 meeting, the Council discussed the need for Encroachment Agreements for those <br />