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2002.09.12 CC Minutes - I-35 W/E Coalition
City Council
City Council Minutes
2002 CC Minutes
2002.09.12 CC Minutes - I-35 W/E Coalition
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MINUTES FOR THE TRI -CITIES MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12.2002 <br />TEM E STARTED : 7:15 p.m. <br />TEM E ENDED : 9:44 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT : Council Members Puleo, Haas, and Mayor <br />Miron <br />MEMBERS ABSENT : Petryk and Granger <br />Staff members present: City Administrator, Michael Ericson <br />Representatives from the City of Centerville present: City Administrator, Kim MoomSykes <br />Representatives from the City of Lino Lakes present: City Administrator, Linda Waite Smith; <br />Community Development Director, Michael Grochala; City Engineer, Jim Studenski; <br />Councilmember Dahl; Councilmember Carlson; Councilmember O'Donnell; and Mayor Bergeson <br />Other Representatives present: Senator Jane Krentz; Congressman Mark Kennedy; Lynne Bly, <br />MnDOT, Chris Manthey, Washington County; Glen Van Wormer, SEH Senior Transportation <br />Engineer, State Representative Ray Vandaveer; State Representative Mark Holsten; Matt Dean; <br />Representative for Michelle Bachman; Dennis Hegberg; Washington County Commissioner, <br />Rebecca Ott, House Candidate, Pat Driscoll, House Candidate; and Len Pratt, Developer and <br />Property Owner <br />INTRODUCTIONS <br />Mayor Miron welcomed everyone to the meeting while everyone present introduced himself or <br />herself and the meeting agenda was distributed. He noted this is the second joint meeting in the past <br />year. Many of the City Councilmember's from Centerville were unable to attend the meeting this <br />evening. Because the involved cities share common borders and interests it is very healthy to <br />discuss issues. He stated he is very happy to be hosting the meeting in the new Hugo City Hall. He <br />thanked everyone for attending the meeting and indicated there will be an open house for the new <br />City Hall in October. <br />CSAH 8/14 JMPROVEMENT PROJECT. CHRIS MANTHEY, WASHINGTON COUNTY <br />Ms. Manthey came forward and distributed information regarding Washington County State Aid <br />Highway 8 and Anoka County State Aid Highway 14. She advised over $3 million dollars in <br />funding has been received for the project. The County has been working on the project for over a <br />year. One of the goals of the project is to keep everyone well informed. The project is necessary <br />because the roadway is a minor arterial and there is a lot of traffic trying to access the freeway. The <br />projected traffic volume is 32,000 ADT. Safety is a large issue and the roadway is starting to <br />deteriorate. <br />Ms. Manthey continued advised that based on existing and projected traffic volumes, the proposed <br />improvements include reconstruction of the roadway with four through lanes, turn lanes, a center <br />median, pedestrian/bicycle path and new drainage systems. <br />Three meetings have been held regarding the project and another one is scheduled in January 2003 to <br />present the final information and obtain comments. After that meeting, the preferred alternative will <br />be selected and move forward for detail design. <br />
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