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2002.09.12 CC Minutes - I-35 W/E Coalition
City Council
City Council Minutes
2002 CC Minutes
2002.09.12 CC Minutes - I-35 W/E Coalition
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City Council meeting of September 12, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />Councilmember Carlson inquired about Anoka County's preferred alignment of the roadway. <br />Ms. Manthey stated there is not a lot of opportunity to go off the existing roadway. The roadway <br />will have to be reconstructed along the existing corridor. The County will be meeting with property <br />owners who will be affected by the roadway and presented with options that are available. <br />Community Development Director Grochala stated the portion of the project that is in Anoka County <br />is scheduled for 2004 and will follow a similar process. <br />Mr. Hegberg, Washington County Commissioner advised the construction cost of $7.7 million <br />dollars does not include the necessary right-of-way. The County and State are contributing a lot to <br />the funding for the project. <br />I -35E AND CSAR 14 INTERCHANGE STOP SIGNS. MICHAEL ERICSON/LYNNE BLY, <br />MNDOT <br />City Administrator Ericson advised the stop lights on the overpass are necessary for safety reasons. <br />There is also the need to move forward with the formation of a coalition. <br />Ms. Bly, MnDOT, stated that at the last meeting the need for the first step in the process for getting <br />the improvements was stressed. The preliminary step in that process was to take a look at possible <br />improvements and how it would benefit the area if there were an interchange. The results of that <br />study will be presented at an open house September 17, 2002, 4:30 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. at Century <br />Forest Lake High School. <br />Ms. Bly advised MnDOT would like to work with the communities as a partner to have preliminary <br />studies done. Communities will be contacted regarding that issue. <br />I 35E AND CSAR 14 FORMATION OF COALITION. GLEN VAN WORMER. SEH <br />SENIOR TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER <br />Mr. Van Wormer, SEH Senior Transportation Engineer, advised a 35E Study and Corridor <br />Management Team was established in the early 1990's to study the interchange at 35E and Highway <br />96. He gave the background of the project noting that five communities and several counties have <br />participated to try to match land use and the transportation system. Other issues studied included <br />congestion, operations, and effect of possible improvements and development impacts. <br />There are a lot of concerns about the project including the side roads. Local involvement is very <br />important on a project like this because land use has a lot of impact on the transportation system. He <br />reviewed different types of land use development scenarios that were used for the previous study. <br />An organized coalition between cities, counties and state agencies are critical to long-range road <br />improvements. Without the coalition the project would be much lower on the priority list. The <br />coalition still meets quarterly and the costs are fairly minimal because they are shared. He referred <br />to a graph that indicated the traffic projections. Most of the issues that were identified in the past <br />studies are very similar to the issues for this project. Other traffic considerations include peak hours <br />and types of trips made on the roadway. Cities really need to look at land use and how locally the <br />land use will affect the traffic. Other entities such as the counties and MnDOT also need to be <br />involved. <br />
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