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City Council meeting of October 21, 2002 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AWARD FOR JD2 <br />The RCWD engineers Emmons & Olivier Resources recently opened bids for the installation of four <br />culverts on JD2. Two of the culverts would be the City's responsibility; one would be for the City of <br />Forest Lake; and the last Washington County. EOR opened bids on Friday, September 27, 2002 at the <br />RCWD office, and the RCWD managers, at their meeting on October 9, 2002, awarded the bids. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the award to Jay Brothers for replacement of the four culverts <br />on JD2, in the amount of $501,237.12 and with Change Order No. 1 for a total of $515,423.16. <br />APPROVE ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS FOR WEST ONEKA LAKE STUDY AREA <br />At its specially called meeting on October 14, 2002, the Council received a signed petition for utility <br />easements in the Phase 2 and Phase 3 sections of the West Oneka Lake Study Area Council directed <br />staff to draft the easements and present them to the property owners for signing and approval to <br />commence work on construction of the new public ditch system south of l 0h Street. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the acquisition of the easements at no cost to the City, with further <br />authorization for the use of eminent domain if the property owner does not wish to sign the easement. <br />APPROVE HFD/WASHINGTON COUNTY MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT <br />For the past several months, Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton has met with Washington County fire chiefs <br />to draft a new Mutual Aid Agreement. The Washington County Chiefs Association used an LMCIT <br />model in drafting its new agreement. City Attorney Dave Snyder reviewed the agreement and found it to <br />be satisfactory. Adoption of the Consent Agenda and Resolution 2002-55 approved the new Mutual Aid <br />Agreement for the City of Hugo and the Washington County municipalities. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION SCHEDULING BOARD OF CANVASS FOR 11/06/02 <br />Minnesota state statute specifies that each municipality must convene a meeting of the canvassing board <br />after the general election is held to certify election results. The Hugo City Council is designated as the <br />City's canvassing board and it must meet the day after the November 5, 2002 election to certify election <br />results. City staff recommended Council select Wednesday, November 6, 2002 at 10:00 am to certify <br />the general election results. Three of the five Council members should be available to attend this <br />specially called meeting. Adoption of the Consent Agenda and Resolution 2002-55 approved scheduling <br />the Board of Canvassing for November 6, 2002 at 10:00 am. <br />APPROVE EXTENSION OF PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOR BUILDING INSPECTOR <br />(GARY SCHWARTZ) <br />Gary Schwartz was hired as the City's new building inspector on April 15, 2002. Over the past six <br />months, Gary has worked diligently in his position as the City's building inspector and has performed <br />very well. Gary has an excellent work ethic, positive City Hall attitude, and can -do approach in the <br />field. Unfortunately, Gary's immediate family experienced some personal health issues, and he was <br />required to be with them and away from his day -today duties, which resulted in him missing a <br />significant number of days. After his performance review with CD Director John Rask and Building <br />Official John Benson, City staff recommended that his probationary period be extended three months in <br />