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2002.11.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2002 CC Minutes
2002.11.04 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of November 4, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />Attorney Dave Snyder drafted a resolution that provides specific language to allow for the acquisition of <br />easements through the use of eminent domain should the property owner not agree to the acquisition. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Resolution 2002-58 directing City staff to acquire easements <br />for the public ditch in the West Oneka Lake area. <br />APPROVE RENEWAL OF RICE LAKE PARK BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT WITH <br />HOSANNA LUTHERAN CHURCH <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder prepared the annual renewal of the Lease Agreement with Hosanna Lutheran <br />Church for the use of the RLPB. Staff reviewed this agreement and offered no substantive changes. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved renewal of the Lease Agreement with Hosanna Lutheran <br />Church for use of the RLPB. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Resolution 2002-59 to enter into a Cooperative Agreement <br />with MNDOT for signalization of TH61 and 14& Street. <br />CSAH 8/14 REALIGNMENT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS <br />UPDATE <br />Chris Manthey and Sandy Cullen from the Washington County Engineers Department were present at <br />the Council meeting to provide Council an update on the environmental assessment process for the <br />CSAH 8/14 realigrunent project. To date, there have been three public informational meetings on the <br />project and eleven PMT (Project Management Team) meetings. The environmental assessment process <br />is a standard evaluation process required by state and federal law. Because Hugo's suggested route is <br />paramount in Washington County's selection decision: <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to schedule a Council workshop to discuss various <br />alignments with Washington County. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SITE PLAN (GENERATION ACRES) <br />At its October 7, 2002 meeting, the Council requested and received written permission from Seth <br />Marshall, developer for the Generation Acres subdivision, to allow for a 30 -day extension to the review <br />period. The City Council tabled action to allow the applicant to revise his plans to address concerns <br />raised at the Council meeting. Staff was unsuccessful in getting Seth Marshall to City Hall to discuss <br />this issue further and no revised plans were submitted. Absent an opportunity to meet with Mr. Marshall <br />or review the revised plans, City staff recommended Council deny the preliminary plat and site plan for <br />the Generation Acres subdivision. Findings of fact denying the application were provided to Council for <br />their consideration. CD Director John Rask informed Council that Mr. Marshall had requested another <br />30 -day extension of time and tabling of the application for preliminary plat and site plan for Generation <br />Acres. Because of the lack of response and the late hour contact from Seth Marshall: <br />
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