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City Council meeting of December 5, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />GENERAL CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for December 2, 2002 as presented. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (AL <br />PARENT/DUFRESNE) <br />Bob and Diane Dufresne requested approval to construct a 40' X 42' attached garage to a house being <br />constructed at 12844 Greystone Avenue North. The parcel is 3.2 acres in size and legally described as <br />Lot 3, Block 1, Hidden Hills subdivision. The attached garage would be 1,455 square feet, which <br />exceeds the ordinance limit of 1,000 feet. The applicant designed the garage to resemble living space with <br />the garage doors facing away from the street. On November 21, 2002, the Board of Adjustments reviewed <br />the variance request and recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance <br />for Bob and Diane Dufresne. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ACCESSORY BLDG (JIM <br />ORLANDO) <br />Jim Orlando requested approval of variances to: 1) construct a 30' X 60' accessory building 20 feet from the <br />side property line where a 40 -foot setback is required by ordinance, 2) locate the building closer to the house <br />than the principle structure, and 3) construct an accessory building that does not match the siding type of the <br />principle structure. On November 21, 2002, the Board of Adjustments reviewed the variance request and <br />recommended approval. The Board found that the building would be screened from the road and adjacent <br />properties by existing trees. Further, the applicant recently purchased the house and plans to replace the <br />siding on the home to match the accessory building. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance <br />for Jim Orlando. <br />APPROVE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR GERALD SULLIVAN <br />Gerald Sullivan requested approval of a property line adjustment located at 9099 17416. Street <br />North. The applicant owns two contiguous parcels: one parcel is approximately 2.5 acres and the other is <br />approximately 20 acres. The applicant would like to adjust the property line to create a 10.5 -acre parcel and <br />a 12 -acre parcel. The property is located in the Agricultural Zoning District where the minimum lot size is <br />10 acres. Both lots would meet the minimum lot width requirement of 300 feet. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the lot line adjustment for Gerald Sullivan. <br />APPROVE COST SHARING AGREEMENT W/TOM JACKSON FOR ROAD INTO BEIP 13 - <br />ACRE PARCEL <br />Over the past several months, City staff worked with Tom Jackson to design and finance the public road <br />into the City's 13 -acre parcel of land in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park (BEIP). Mr. Jackson is desirous <br />for construction of this road since it would provide him access into the rear portion of his adjoining <br />property. Staff and Pete Willenbring from WSB Engineers developed the cost estimate of $287 per <br />linear feet, of which Mr. Jackson has approximately 80 ft. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the Cost Sharing Agreement with Tom Jackson in the amount of $ 11,000 and directed City staff to <br />prepare an official Agreement for approval by Council. <br />