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City Council meeting of December 5, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE HFD EQUIPMENT SIGN OUT AND RESCUE GEAR POLICY <br />Fire Chief Jim Compton and officers from the Hugo Fire Department drafted an equipment sign out and <br />rescue gear policy. City Attorney Dave Snyder reviewed the policy and made changes that were agreed <br />to by the department. The policy allows the HFD to better control the inventory of personnel equipment <br />and to also identify firefighters when making fire service and/or medical calls. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the HFD sign out sheet and rescue gear policy and that it be incorporated into the Fire <br />Department's standard operating guidelines and the City's personnel policy. <br />CARL NORDOUIST'S HOUSE (a, 14701 FOREST BLVD OFFERED TO CITY OF HUGO <br />At its November 18, 2002 meeting, the Council discussed the purchase of a house owned by Carl and <br />Gayle Nordquist located at 14701 Forest Blvd, who have expressed interest in selling it to the City. <br />After much discussion by Council, staff was directed to proceed with further negotiations to define a <br />purchase price for the house. Staff met three times with Mr. Nordquist since the Council meeting and <br />has finalized negotiations. Mr. Nordquist has agreed to sell his house and property to the City for the <br />amount of $178,500. The purchase agreement is subject to customary buyer/seller agreement, including <br />a relaxed deadline to allow the Nordquists to remove final belongings from the house in spring 2003. <br />City Administrator Michael Ericson informed the Council that should they consider a Purchase <br />Agreement where the City could: 1) pay 50% down, with a 3 -5 -year note on the balance; or make <br />payment in full from reserve money set aside to purchase the Granger property. A lengthy discussion <br />followed about the use of general funds and parkland dedication funds to purchase homes. Council <br />members Granger and Puleo felt that the City should not use general funds to make these purchases. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to draft a Purchase Agreement for the Nordquist <br />residence at 14701 Forest Boulevard for $178,500 from the City's parkland dedication fund and bring <br />options back to Council. Staff was also directed to include in the downtown redevelopment plan for the <br />Council's 2003 goals. <br />VOTING AYE: Haas, Puleo, Munn <br />VOTING NAY: Granger <br />Motion Carried. <br />BID AWARD FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL (7u, TH61 AND 140TH STREET <br />On October 4, 2002 the City received bids for the construction of the traffic signal at TH61 and 140th <br />Street North. On October 7, MN/DOT did not provide final approval of the plans as a result of an <br />outstanding easement from BNSF Railroad. On October 7, Council authorized the use of eminent <br />domain to obtain an easement from BNSF Railroad. At that time Council was aware that an easement <br />might not be available until February 2003. Action on awarding the bid was tabled with the <br />understanding that bids may be rejected if MN/DOT approval was not received prior to December 3. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder successfully negotiated an easement agreement with BNSF in the amount of <br />$6,800 thus avoiding the need to use eminent domain. MN/DOTs policy is that bids cannot be awarded <br />until final approval is granted. The City's 60 -day window to consider award of the bids received on <br />October 4 expired on December 3, 2002. For these reasons, staff cannot recommend that Council award <br />the construction contract to Jay Bros., Inc. at this time. Therefore, City Engineer Dave Mitchell and City <br />