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City Council meetingof February 20, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />The Forest Lake Auxiliary Unit 225 made application to the City for a charitable gambling license to <br />sell pull -tabs at Ricci's. City staff reviewed the application and submittal of attachments and found <br />them to be consistent with the requirements of the City ordinance regulating charitable gambling. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the charitable gambling license for the Forest Lake <br />American Legion Auxiliary Unit 225 to sell pull -tabs at Ricci's and waiver of the 30 -day waiting <br />period. <br />APPROVAL OF CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE DEAD BROKE <br />SADDLE CLUB AT CARPENTERS <br />The Dead Broke Saddle Club made application to the City for a charitable gambling license to sell <br />pull -tabs at Carpenters. City staff reviewed the application and submittal of attachments and found <br />them to be consistent with the requirements of the City ordinance regulating charitable gambling. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the charitable gambling license for the Dead Broke <br />Saddle Club to sell pull -tabs at Carpenters and waiver of the 30 -day waiting period. <br />EAGLE CREST BUILDERS REQUEST FOR BUILDING PERMITS FOR SECOND <br />BUILDING IN ONEKA LAKE VIEW NORTH <br />The Development Agreement for Oneka Lake View North allowed the issuance of building permits <br />for one 4-plex-townhome building. Eagle Crest Northwest requested Council approval for the <br />issuance of an additional permit for one more 4-plex-townhome building. The additional permit <br />would be for a building that would be located adjacent to 1500 Street where road access and public <br />utilities are available. City policy limits the number of building permits until utilities and streets are <br />installed. The City's Fire Chief and Building Official reviewed the request and recommended that <br />the Council authorize staff to issue additional permits for construction of a 4-plex-townhome <br />building located along 150" Street, provided no Certificate of Occupancies are issued until the road <br />and utilities are installed and found to be substantially complete. Approval of the additional permit <br />is consistent with the purpose and intent of the City's policy to have road and utilities in place prior <br />to the issuance of permits. Because of past problems with this development, Councilman Haas felt <br />that the City should deny their request. John Gleason, from Eagle Crest Builders, wanted an early <br />start in order to help future residents get into their homes sooner. <br />Haas made motion to deny the request of Eagle Crest Builders for a second building permit in Oneka <br />Lakeview North. <br />Motion failed for lack of second. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2001-5, APPROVING THE <br />ISSUANCE OF ADDITIONAL BUILDING PERMITS FOR EAGLE CREST FOR LOTS 1,4, <br />BLOCK 4, ONEKA LAKEVIEW NORTH. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Petryk Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Chuck Haas <br />Motion Carried. <br />