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2001.02.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.02.20 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of February 20, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />DON AND PAULINE RICE la), 9497140TH STREET REQUEST FOR CITY ASSISTANCE <br />In the summer of 2000, City staff was informed by Mr. Don Rice, 9497 140N' Street North, that he <br />was seeking assistance from the City of Hugo for a flooding problem he has experienced on his <br />property located on Lake Plaisted. This issue was brought to the Hugo City Council for <br />consideration and staff was directed to pursue any and all options for securing a financial buyout of <br />the Rice's property. The Rice's have experienced flooding on their property for a period of six years, <br />and had first brought the issue to the Brown's Creek Watershed District. The District made an offer <br />to the Rice's to purchase their land and building, but Mr. Rice, who felt the offer was too low, turned <br />down the offer. Mr. Rice estimates the sale price to be $250,000. Since that time, Mr. and Mrs. Rice <br />have spoken with a number of local governmental agencies in an effort to resolve their flooding <br />problem. They cannot use the bathroom in their house; rather they must use the toilet facilities in <br />their RV, which is parked in their driveway. Staff met with a number of local, county, and state <br />agencies in an effort to seek a solution for the Rice's, and did find the Minnesota Flood Reduction <br />Program, who expressed interest in making a 50% matching grant application on behalf of the <br />Rice's. Staff explored the remaining 50% funding for the project but has been unsuccessful to date. <br />Staff completed a site inspection visit of the Rice's property with a representative of the Minnesota <br />DNR Trails and Waterways Public Access Division. The City received a letter from DNR <br />Representative Susan Willhite stating that the DNR is not interested in the site as a public access to <br />Lake Plaisted because it is too small. Staff brought this issue to the City Council for further <br />discussion and direction on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Rice, who seek some relief from their flooding <br />problem. After discussion, it was determined that the City was unable to further assist the Rice's in <br />their dilemma. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing the City Assessor to reevaluate the Rice property <br />for possible reduction in valuation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to facilitate discussion of the Rice's situation <br />with local state representatives in an effort to explore help and/or financial assistance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REVISED PROPOSAL FROM SRF & HGA FOR CHARRETTE/COMMUNITY <br />VISIONING <br />At its February 5 meeting, the City Council agreed with the Charrette Committee's recommendation <br />to approve the hiring of the joint team of SRF & HGA to complete the City's Charrette/Community <br />Visioning project. Council directed staff to work with principals from both firms to formalize the <br />revised joint proposal. Staff met with Project Manager Mike Lamb and outlined a proposal, <br />including a timeline for completing the project. <br />Petryk made motion, Haas seconded, that the Council approves the revised Joint Services Agreement <br />from SRF & HGA for the City Charrette/Community Visioning Project, with final review by the <br />City's Community Development Director, including any recommended amendments regarding a <br />reduction in increased cost. All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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