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City Council meeting of May 7, 2001 <br />Page 6 <br />Council discussed applicant's interest in constructing a 15 ft garage rather th <br />formal application, a 12' garage. The City Attorney stated that the applicant <br />the variance application process again should they now change their request. <br />Puleo made motion Haas seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2001-15 <br />YARD SETBACK FOR BRIAN KLEBE AT 6080 138P STREET. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />AND COMPANY, INC.) <br />On April 19, 2001, City staff opened bids for the construction of the trunk <br />pump housetwater tower No. 3. The apparent low bidder was Veit and Cc <br />$211,568.25. City Engineer reviewed the bids and recommended that Cot <br />trunk water main extension project to the low bidder, Veit and Company, l <br />$211,568.25. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to award the trunk water main <br />tower No. 3 to Veit and Company, Inc., at a total cost of $211,568.25. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />At its April 16, 2001 meeting, the Council considered the bid award for the 1 <br />Project, but tabled the bid award to give staff the opportunity to investigate i <br />Glamos Wire Products property. The City Engineer reviewed with Council , <br />designing the storm water piping around the Glamos property in order to cor <br />to not have an easement on their property. Staff redesigned the storm water <br />to the satisfaction of the owners. City staff contracted with Evergreen Land <br />final easement acquisition work that had been completed to date by the City <br />and offered to the property owners by the City Administrator. To date, no pi <br />easements, which necessitated the use of a contractor to complete this work, <br />and budgeted for in the feasibility study. Additionally, the Army Corps of E <br />jurisdiction in the area, will not provide a permit to the City. Staff has secur <br />the low bidder to delay the start of the work to allow the easement acquisitio <br />project. Staff recommended that Council table awarding the contract for the <br />Project. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to table this matter until July 2, 2001, <br />extension from the low bidder Richard Knutson, Inc. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />n what was stated on the <br />.vould have to go through <br />No change was requested. <br />A 28' FRONT <br />n main extension for <br />ny, Inc., at a total cost of <br />award the bid for the <br />at a total cost of <br />for pump houselwater <br />Industrial Park P.I. <br />rther an easement on the <br />number of options for <br />ply with the owner's desire <br />iping around the property <br />ervices to complete the <br />atorney and City Engineer, <br />â–ºperry has signed the <br />vhich had been itemized <br />gineers, who claim <br />J a letter of extension from <br />and permitting for the <br />'eloauin Industrial P.I. <br />accept the letter of <br />