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City Council meeting of May 7, 2001 <br />Page 5 <br />APPROVAL OF ON -SALE AND OFF -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR BALD EAGLE BOAT <br />RENTAL <br />Marty Weber dba Bald Eagle Boat Rental made application to the City for an on -sale and off -sale liquor <br />license. Mr. Weber intends to sell 3.2 beer in his establishment that he purchased one year ago. The <br />Washington County Sheriff's Department completed its required background investigation on Marty <br />Weber, and has discovered no evidence that would disqualify him from obtaining a liquor license from <br />the State of Minnesota. The applicant is on file and in good standing with the Minnesota's Secretary of <br />State, and has never been a party of legal action brought by the Minnesota Attorney General's Office- <br />City <br />fficeCity staff recommended that Council issue an on -sale and off -sale liquor license to Marty Weber dba <br />Bald Eagle Boat Rental to sell 3.2 beer. Council member Petryk questioned whether this would be an <br />expansion of the business, and she was informed that a license has been issued to the business in years' <br />past. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to approve an on-saleloff--sale 3.2 beer liquor license to Marty <br />Weber dba Bald Eagle Boat Rental located a 4444 129' Street. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Becky Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST FROM JOHN UDSTUEN <br />At its April 25, 2001 meeting, the Hugo Board of Appeals & Adjustments considered a variance request <br />from John Udstuen to construct a pole barn on his property located at 15190 Everton Avenue. The <br />request for a variance is for a 20 -foot side yard setback, where 40 feet is required. On a unanimous vote, <br />the Board recommended approval of the variance request from Mr. Udstuen. Councilman Haas <br />questioned the "hardship" necessitating the variance request, and concern that building not be used for <br />commercial purposes. The City amended the setback requirements in 1999, increasing the side yard <br />setback fiom 40 feet to 40 feet. Mr. Udstuen stated that he built his house and septic system with a 20 - <br />foot setback in mind. He also stated that the building would be used for his personal storage, and not for <br />business purposes. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2001-14 APPROVING A 20' SIDE <br />YARD SETBACK VARIANCE FOR JOHN UDSTUEN AT 15190 EVERTON AVENUE NORTH. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST FROM BRIAN KLEBE <br />At its April 25, 2001 meeting, the Board of Appeals & Adjustments considered a variance request from <br />Brian Klebe for the construction of a garage on his property located at 6080 138'h Street. Mr. Klebe <br />requested a variance to construct a garage addition at 28 feet from the front lot line, where 30 feet is <br />required. On a unanimous vote, the Board recommended approval of the variance request from Mr. <br />Klebe. City staff recommended Council approve the variance request from Brian Klebe. <br />