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City Council meeting of May 21, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the following Consent <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approval of 3.2 Beer License for Good Neighbor Days (Hugo Lions Club) <br />Approval of Relocation Agreement for Williams House @ 14651 Fitzgerald kvenue <br />Building Official Annual Performance Review and Salary Adjustment <br />Resolution Approving Allowance for Watering of New Seed/Sod <br />Voting AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims for May 21, 2001 as <br />The Hugo Lions Club made its annual application for a 3.2 beer license for <br />Days scheduled for June 8-10, 2001. They paid their application fee and pr <br />certificate of insurance, including naming the City of Hugo, the Hugo FD R <br />Hugo FD as additional insured. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />Hugo Lions Club to sell beer at the Hugo Good Neighbor Days on June 8-1 <br />FITZGERALD AVENUE <br />City staff has been negotiating with Earl and Violet Williams for the purcha: <br />Fitzgerald Avenue. As Council is aware, the City Attorney's office was con <br />the property and discovered that Cecelia Steiner's will had never been proba <br />mother of Violet Williams and the official owner of the house. Subsequentl, <br />use of the eminent domain state statute laws to allow the City to acquire the <br />probated. The Williams continued to negotiate with the City in good faith it <br />proceed with the acquisition of their house and property. Staff has negotiate <br />revised relocation agreement that would pay the Williams $4,000 additional <br />being out of their home by June 15, 2001. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />relocation expense for the Williams, which includes six month's use of a mn <br />rental in an RV park, payment of the In half 2001 property taxes, use of a du <br />agreed to $11,000 in relocation expenses. <br />Recently, the Council approved an ordinance allowing the City to impleme <br />to encourage water conservation by residents. In reviewing the ordinance, <br />should be some discretion allowed to new homeowners and builders allowi <br />Hugo Good Neighbor <br />ided the City with a <br />ief Association, and <br />to 3.2 beer license for the <br />2001. <br />of their house at 14651 <br />pleting a title search of <br />ed. Cecelia Steiner is the <br />, City Council approved <br />property before the will is <br />order for the City to <br />I with the Williams for a <br />lollars in exchange for <br />ipproved the additional <br />i -storage, $2,000 for <br />npster, and the original <br />an odd/even watering ban <br />ff determined that there <br />them to water their new <br />