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City Council meeting of May 21, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />sod and/or seed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Resolution 2001-17 directing City staff to <br />allow up to a 30 -day allowance for new homeowners or builders to water their new sod and/or seed. <br />JD2 COURT APPEAL <br />Attorney Paul Haik has notified staff that the City must file a Notice of Appeal no later than Friday, <br />June 29, 2001 for the JD2 lawsuit. Staff requests that Council provide direction to the attorney and the <br />City Administrator regarding official direction to Mr. Haik and his Notice of Appeal on behalf of the <br />City. Council directed staff to create a Blue Ribbon Task Force for a JD2 surface water management <br />plan. The group has met once with all parties, and has scheduled another meeting with mediator Roger <br />Williams for Friday, May 18, 2001. This issue was removed from the agenda by staff, and will be <br />discussed at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting on June 4, 2001. <br />61 STOP EXPANSION (GRANGERS) <br />At its May 7, 2001 meeting, the Council tabled action on the proposed expansion for the 61 Stop/ <br />Conoco convenience store that would provide for a drive-through bank and store expansion. Council <br />directed staff to schedule a meeting with the owners of 61 Stop and Carpenters to discuss a downtown <br />redevelopment plan. The meeting was held on Wednesday May 16, 2001, and the attendees were: <br />Mayor Fran Miron, Councilman Chuck Haas, City Administrator Mike Ericson, CD Director John <br />Rask, Mike and Catherine Anderson from Carpenters, and Mark Granger (and others) from 61 Stop. A <br />variety of redevelopment efforts along 61 were discussed with the business owners and a strong <br />interest for the City to initiate the redevelopment efforts. City staff has reviewed the applicant's <br />request, and forwards the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval of the site plan, CUP, <br />and variance request to the Council for approval. Councilman Haas again expressed concern for <br />vehicular safety at the intersection of TH61 and 148th Street. Mark Granger stated that they would be <br />the first to know of additional problems, and would gladly work with the City to correct the problem. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2001-18 APPROVING SITE PLAN, <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND VARIANCE FOR 61 STOP LOCATED AT 14815 FOREST <br />BLVD. <br />Voting AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo <br />ABSTAINED: Fran Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />MN UNION BLDRS BUSINESS TIF SUBSIDY AGREEMENT <br />At its May 14, 2001 meeting, the Hugo City Council held a public hearing for the purpose of taking <br />public comment regarding the Business TIF Subsidy Agreemert for the MN Union Builders project. <br />There were no oral or written comments and the issue was tabled until the May 21, 2001 Council <br />meeting. The issue before the Council is consideration of the Tax Increment Financing Agreement for <br />the Hugo Land Development LLC dba MN Union Builders, as revised by City staff, including a review <br />and approval by bond counsel attorney Mary Ippel of Briggs and Morgan. The TIF Agreement <br />proposes to rebate 80% of the tax increment generated from the project over a 15 -year period. The TIF <br />Agreement makes the applicant eligible for up to $2,010,000 in TIF on a "pay-as-you-go" basis, or an <br />