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City Council meeting of June 4, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims for June 4, 2001 as <br />Mikel Brandt dba Hugo Auto & Truck Parts made application to the City for <br />license. City staff reviewed the business and found it to be compliance with <br />the Consent Agenda approved the auto dismantling license for Hugo Auto & <br />Rod Tauer is planning on building a new home on his 5 -acre parcel located a <br />Avenue. He requested permission from the City of Hugo to construct his ne, <br />existing home upon completion. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />home at 14531 Homestead with the agreement that the old house be removes <br />issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the City. <br />GRANT <br />The City's annual agreement with Washington County for its Curbside Re <br />Council for approval. The County will pay the City $15,741 for expenses <br />recycling program, with the City's obligation to require all licensed waste <br />recycling services. Semi-annual recycling reports are submitted to the Col <br />reporting is conducted by Washington County. Adoption of the Consent 1 <br />Memorandum of Agreement for Curbside Recycling Grant Distribution w <br />APPROVE DONATION FROM TANGLEWOOD CHURCH <br />auto dismantling <br />code. Adoption of <br />ck Parts. <br />14531 Homestead <br />home and remove his <br />*nstruction of a new <br />upon completion and <br />ing Grant is presented to <br />ed to the City's curbside <br />ers provide curbside <br />to insure accurate <br />da approved the 2001 <br />Jashington County. <br />For the past number of months, the City has allowed Tanglewood Church to se its truck bays and <br />Council chambers to conduct its Sunday worship services. Tanglewood Cht rch is a spin off from the <br />Thanksgiving Lutheran Church that currently leases the City's Rice Lake Pa k Bldg. In return for the <br />use of the City Hall facility, Tanglewood Church has made a $200 donation o the City. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the donation from Tanglewood Church. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE FOR GARAGE SETBACK (GREEDERI <br />At its May 23, 2001 meeting, the Hugo Board of Zoning Adjustments cons <br />David Greeder for construction of a garage 14' from the side yard on his pi <br />The Board unanimously approved the variance request and agreed to allow <br />his garage 14' from the side yard. Adoption of the Consent Agenda appro` <br />Greeder to allow a 14' side yard setback where 20' is required. <br />-ed the request from <br />srty at 9113 122 Street. <br />Greeder to construct <br />the variance from David <br />