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City Council meeting of June 4, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE VARIANCE FOR DECK SETBACK (RHUDE) <br />Matt Rhude made application to the City to construct a deck on his home located at 5383 129' Street. <br />Mr. Rhude desires to construct a deck that would extend 24' from the house and into the back yard <br />setback where 30' is allowed. The Board unanimously approved the variance request allowing the <br />construction of a deck on his property with a 24' back yard setback. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the variance request from Matt Ruhde for the construction of a deck and allows a 24' back <br />yard setback. <br />APPROVE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT & VARIANCE (ZERWAS AND <br />SCHUNEMAN) <br />James and Mary Zerwas made application to the City for a property line adjustment and variance for <br />property located north of their property at 12725 Goodview Avenue. Mr. Zerwas and Janet <br />Schuneman seek an adjustment of the property line and variance thereby allowing the development of <br />the Schuneman property. The PC unanimously approved the property line adjustment and variance <br />request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the property line adjustment and variance request <br />from James and Mary Zerwas. <br />APPROVAL OF BLDG INSPECTOR ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND SALARY <br />ADJUSTMENT (JASON HARINEN) <br />Jason Harinen was hired on May 24, 1999 as the City's building inspector. He has worked very hard <br />over the past two years to provide a high level of building inspection services for the City. Jason has <br />learned to work well with contractors and the public in providing building inspection service. His <br />supervisors have conducted his annual performance review and recommend approval to the Council. <br />Jason is an excellent employee, a team player, and is well liked by his coworkers. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved his annual performance review and his salary adjustment. <br />APPROVE HIRING OF SEASONAL PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYEE <br />At its May 7, 2001 meeting, the Council authorized staff to hire a seasonal public works employee to <br />assist with the park maintenance and public works duties assigned to the City's Public Work Dept. <br />The City received a total of 13 applications for the position, and interviews were conducted on Friday, <br />June 1, 2001. Staff recommended hiring James Hodgson to fill the seasonal public works position. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, that the City hire James Hodgson for seasonal public works <br />position at a rate of $10.00/hr. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL INSPECTION SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH <br />ROBERT RUSSEK & ESG ARCHITECTS FOR CITY HALL PROJECT <br />As Council is aware, former chief architect Bob Russek, formerly with the firm of Bonestroo Rosene <br />Anderlik and Associates, joined the architectural firm of Elness Swenson Graham Architects, Inc., aka <br />