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City Council meeting of June 18, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />Agenda approved the issuance of a Lawful Gambling Permit for St. John the Baptist Church for <br />August 26, 2001. <br />SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF DEER PARK ESTATES <br />Dave Schumann, developer of Deer Park Estates, requested a substantial completion from the City for <br />the construction of a road for his subdivision. City Engineer Dave Mitchell reviewed the applicant's <br />request with Public Works Director Chris Petree, and found that the developer has satisfactorily <br />completed installation of the utilities. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the substantial <br />completion of the Deer Park Estates subdivision subject to the conditions recommended by the City <br />Engineer. <br />APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH MARK HAUG FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITY HALL <br />At its May 7, 2001 meeting, the Council awarded the contract for the construction of the new City Hall <br />to the low bidder Mark Haug Construction of Pine City, in the amount of $1,336,000.27. Project <br />architect Morgan Markoe of BRA and Associates prepared a standard AIA contract for the City and <br />Mark Haug Construction. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the contract with Mark Haug <br />Construction for the construction of the new City Hall, based on review and approval by the City <br />Attorney. <br />DENIAL OF REQUEST FROM SEDONA HOMES FOR AMENDMENT TO CLUSTER <br />ORDINANCE (FINDINGS OF FACT) <br />At its June 4, 2001 meeting, the Council considered a request from Sedona Homes for an amendment <br />to the City's cluster ordinance. After much discussion, the Council expressed its general support for <br />development of a revised cluster ordinance, which it felt would take additional time to discuss and <br />solicit public input. Council directed staff to notify Sedona Homes that it voted to deny its request for <br />an amendment to the City's cluster ordinance, but also requested that staff work with Sedona Homes <br />and other property owners in the eastern section of the City to develop a cluster ordinance that would <br />meet the needs of the City. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Findings of Fact for the <br />Council's denial of Sedona Homes' requested for an amendment to the City's cluster ordinance. <br />RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVE JOB DESCRIPTION FOR THE HIRING OF THE <br />DEPUTY CLERK/RECEPTIONIST <br />On June 12'h and June 13'h, City staff completed its interview of candidates for the deputy <br />clerk/receptionist position. There were a total of 57 applicants for the position and staff interviewed <br />10. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved hiring Kristi Montanari, effective July 9, 2001 at a <br />salary of $28,000, and that she be subject to a pre-employment physical and a six-month probationary <br />period. <br />APPROVAL OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT W/XCEL ENERGY FOR WATER <br />MAIN EXTENSION <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell and City Attorney Dave Snyder received an Encroachment Agreement <br />from Xcel Energy for the construction and extension of the water main from the City's tower No. 3 to <br />