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City Council meeting of June 18, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br />the connection with the City's water system. Adoption of the Consent Agen a approved the <br />Encroachment Agreement from Xcel Energy, and directed staff to finalize anr portion of the <br />Agreement. <br />EXTENSION <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell and City Attomey Dave Snyder received an En oachment Agreement <br />from MCES for the construction and extension of the water main from the C' 's tower No. 3 to the <br />connection with the City's water system. Adoption of the Consent Agenda a proved the <br />Encroachment Agreement from MCES, and directed staff to finalize any po on of the Agreement. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the claims for June 18, 20Q1 after removal of the <br />claim for BRA in the amount of $21,622.02. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES ON NEW CITY HALL <br />At its June 4, 2001 meeting, the Council approved an Architectural Inspectio <br />Services Agreement <br />with Bob Russek and ESG Architects for architectural services related to the <br />construction of the new <br />City Hall. Since that time, staff met with the chief architect Morgan Markoe <br />of BRA and Associates <br />regarding a partnership with ESG Architects. BRA and Associates would like <br />to severe its <br />architectural services with the City for the construction of the new City Hall. <br />City staff recommended <br />Council approve the Separation Agreement with BRA and Associates for architectural <br />services related <br />to the const ruction of the new City Hall. BRA and Associates will still mai <br />tain liability insurance for <br />the construction plans and blueprints. <br />the alleged sale of <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to table this matter until the Council Imeeting of July 2, 2001. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The City Attorney has scheduled a hearing for Monday, June 18, 2001 at 7:3 <br />pm to consider an <br />alleged violation of the City's liquor ordinance. The City had received a con <br />iplaint from the <br />Washington County Sheriffs Department that an alleged sale of alcohol occi <br />rred on January 3, 2001 <br />at The End Zone without first obtaining a liquor license. The Council voted <br />on April 16, 2001 to <br />conduct a hearing to determine if the City should impose a civil sanction, if <br />a allegations are proved <br />pursuant to Chapter 232. City Attorney Dave Snyder prepared a detailed procedure <br />for The End Zone <br />hearing that Council should review before the meeting, which will be conver, <br />ed by Mayor Fran Miron. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder was present to assist the Council in its hearing or. <br />the alleged sale of <br />alcohol beverages without a license. <br />