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City Council meeting of July 2, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVAL OF SIGN APPLICATION FROM WILSON TOOL <br />Wilson Tool made application to the City for a 189 sq ft wall sign to be located on their building located <br />at 12909 Farnham Avenue. The sign will be located on the east side of the building adjacent to TH61 <br />and would not be illuminated. The applicant is permitted 336 sq ft of wall signage according to the <br />City's sign ordinance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the application and directed the <br />building official to issue a sign permit. <br />CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE FOR INDIANHEAD SCOUTINGBSA <br />IndianheadBSA made application to the City for a Minnesota Lawful Gambling Permit to conduct a <br />raffle on September 25, 2001 at Wild Wings of Oneka. Staff reviewed the application and found it to be <br />complete and in accordance with state statute and City code. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the charitable gambling license for IndianheadBSA to conduct a raffle on September 25, 2001 at Wild <br />Wings of Oneka. <br />RESIGNATION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND ADVERTISE FOR REPLACEMENT <br />On June 20, 2001, Building Inspector Jason Harinen submitted his resignation ending his employment <br />with the City of Hugo as of July 6, 2001. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the resignation of <br />Jason Harinen and instructed staff to advertise for a replacement building inspector. <br />APPROVAL OF ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL & SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR <br />PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE WORKER <br />The City hired Tom Smith on June 26, 2000 as the City's public works maintenance worker. Tom has <br />worked very hard over the past year to become an integral member of the public works dept. He is <br />dependable, a hard worker, and has excellent interpersonal communication skills with his coworkers and <br />public alike. He is an excellent asset to the Public Works Director, and has a strong desire to grow with <br />the department and the City. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Tom Smith's annual <br />performance appraisal and salary adjustment as prescribed in the City's employee salary matrix. <br />APPROVAL OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT (BERGERONI <br />T. Bergeron Construction made application to the City for an Encroachment Agreement to locate two <br />decks within a drainage and utility easement on Lots 11 and 12, Block 1 in the Beaver Ponds 4'h <br />Addition. The home is located at 12773 and 12771 Ferrara Drive. The decks would encroach 10 ft into <br />the drainage and utility easement, but would be at least 8 ft over the high water elevation of the <br />wetlands. The decks would comply with all applicable yard setback requirements. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved an Encroachment Agreement with T. Bergeron Construction and directed the <br />City Attorney to prepare the Agreement for signature by the Mayor. <br />APPROVAL OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT (TETRAULTI <br />Ray Tetrault Contracting made application to the City for an Encroachment Agreement to locate a 3 - <br />season porch and deck within a drainage and utility easement on Lot 9, Block 1 in the Beaver Ponds <br />5'h Addition. The home is located at 12838 Fondant Trail. The applicant is seeking approval of an <br />