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City Council meeting of July 2, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />Encroachment Agreement to construct a 3 -season porch and deck that would encroach 12 ft into the <br />drainage and utility easement. The footings for the proposed porch and deck would be the only part of <br />the structure that would be placed within the easement. The porch and deck would be at least 8 ft over <br />the high water elevation of the wetland. The deck would be approximately 35 ft from the edge of the <br />wetland and would comply with all applicable yard setback requirements. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved an Encroachment Agreement with Ray Tetrault Contracting and directed the City <br />Attorney to prepare the Agreement for signature by the Mayor. <br />APPOINTMENT OF PROBATIONARY FIREFIGHTERS <br />Fire Chief Joe McMahon recommended for appointment two probationary firefighters in accordance <br />with Section 1300 of the Hugo FD's Suggested Operating Guidelines. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />appointed Scott Peterson and Russell Frantum as probationary firefighters. <br />JD2 APPEAL (REVIEW JUNE 25m COUNCIL DECISION AND MEDIATION SESSIONS TO <br />DATE) <br />At its June 25`h Council workshop/special Council meeting, the Council considered the JD2 lawsuit <br />appeal process. Previously, at its June 18'h meeting, the Council postponed action on the JD2 appeal <br />until the specially called meeting on Monday, June 2P in order to hear the results of the fourth session <br />with mediator Roger Williams that was held on Friday, June 22, 2001. As Council is aware, Attorney <br />Paul Haik notified staff that the City must file a notice of appeal no later than Friday, June 29, 2001 for <br />the JD2 lawsuit. Mayor Miron passed the gavel to acting Mayor Chuck Haas and excused himself from <br />discussion on the issue. Council discussed the progress of the mediated sessions to date, and agreed that <br />a significant amount of progress has been made. Council took public comment on the issue, and then <br />discussed amongst itself whether or not to proceed with the appeal. City Attorney Dave Snyder <br />presented three options for Council to consider, and ultimately no action and no formal vote was taken <br />by the Council. Staff asked for clarification from Council on the issue, and was instructed, through the <br />City Attorney, to contact Attorney Paul Haik and inform him that the Council took no action to proceed <br />with the appeal, which stops the City's involvement in the appeal process, but still allows the other <br />plaintiffs to proceed with the appeal if they should so choose. This issue was placed on the agenda to <br />make a public announcement of the Council's decision at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder summarized the City's position at the meeting. He also advised the Mayor that he <br />would be able to again deliberate on matters relating to JD2, but not the lawsuit. The action by the City <br />Council confirms that the City will not expend any additional City funds on the appeal process. <br />CITY HALL FINANCINGBUDGET (FINANCIAL ADVISOR) RESOLUTION CALLING FOR <br />A PUBLIC HEARING <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin, City Administrator Mike Ericson, and City Architect Bob Russek prepared <br />a draft budget for construction of the new City Hall. Another financial advisory firm that has expressed <br />an interest in selling the bonds for this project has approached staff, however, the Finance Director <br />recommended that the City continue its long-term relationship with Ehlers and Associates. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to recess the Council meeting at 7:25 pm to call the Economic <br />Development Authority to order. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />