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2001.08.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.08.06 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of August 6, 2001 <br />Page 7 <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to accept staffs recommendation and authorize the Public Works <br />Director and City Administrator to submit a sealed bid in an amount not to exceed the City's budgeted <br />amount for the acquisition of a new plow truck with the understanding that the bids be submitted with <br />extensive sharing of information between Council and staff. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BCWD APPOINTMENTS <br />The Browns Creek Watershed District notified the City that two positions would be up on the BCWD <br />Board of Managers. Staff recommended Council provide authorization as to the endorsement of the <br />current and/or any new applicants for the Board. No formal Council action was required. <br />PROPOSAL FROM SEH TO UPDATE SEWER PLAN <br />In the fall of 2000, CD Director John Rask prepared for Council a detailed community development <br />projects list that needed to be completed by the City in anticipation of a pending housing moratorium. <br />Staff had included on the project's list a need to update the City's sewer plan. With the pending <br />moratorium set to expire in February 2002, the City Engineer requested to proceed with the update of the <br />City's sewer plan. The Metropolitan Council is requiring this update. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to enter an agreement with SEH to update the City's sanitary <br />sewer plan as outlined in the Scope of Service, at a cost not to exceed $8,000. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST TO INCLUDE 120 ACRES IN MUSA (LEN PRATT) <br />At its July 25, 2001 meeting, the Hugo Planning Commission considered the application from developer <br />Len Pratt to include 120 acres of his property in the City's MUSA. The PC approved the request on a 5 <br />to 2 vote, and that recommendation is therefore provided to Council. City staff recommended Council <br />approve the inclusion of 120 acres of the Len Pratt property, formerly owned by Jim Leroux, to be <br />included in the MUSA of the City. CD Director John Rask briefly reviewed his detailed report, and how <br />the request would impact the area. Developer Len Pratt also reviewed the project area and discussed <br />maintaining the green corridor. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the inclusion of 120 acres of the Len Pratt property <br />to be included in the MUSA of the City and notify the Metropolitan Council of this action. The City <br />Attorney was directed to prepare a Findings of Fact based on the Council's analysis of the request, and <br />this will be shared at a later Council meeting. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF GRANT APPLICATION FOR OAK WILT <br />The City has been contacted by two residents seeking assistance from the City in applying for a grant <br />from the DNR to address the oak wilt problem they have experienced on their property. <br />
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