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City Council meeting of August 6, 2001 <br />Page 6 <br />DETERMINATION OF DRIVEWAY STATUS AT 6178 ONEKA LAKE BLVD (NORTH <br />SUBURBAN DEVELOPMENT) <br />North Suburban Development developed the Oneka Lake View townhome development adjacent to <br />Oneka Lake Blvd. North Suburban Development sold a house located at 6178 Oneka Lake Boulevard to <br />the Robinette family, who was unable to get permission from the townhome development to install a <br />driveway on the cul-de-sac into their property, or construct a garage and deck. North Suburban <br />Development has since this time repurchased the house from the Robinette family. They seek a <br />determination from the City as to the status of the driveway that accesses on to Oneka Lake Blvd. There <br />were three driveways onto Oneka Lake Boulevard at the time North Suburban Development bought the <br />property, and have been consolidated into one since that date. CD Director John Rask worked with the <br />property owner to clarify the status of the driveway. Staff recommended that Council authorize the <br />design and installation of a hard -surfaced driveway for the house located at 6178 Oneka Lake Blvd. <br />Councilman was not in favor of issuing a driveway permit for the property, as the developer should have <br />dealt with the issue while the property was under his control. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to table this matter to continue negotiations with the developer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR HOUSE A14635 FOREST BLVD <br />At its July 16, 2001 meeting, the Council authorized staff to proceed with negotiations for the purchase <br />of the house at 14635 Forest Blvd. Staff met with City assessor Frank Langer and the property owners, <br />and negotiated a purchase price for the property in the amount of $149,000. City staff recommended <br />Council approve the purchase of this house in the amount of $149,000 with funds being transferred from <br />the City's Park Dedication Fund with reimbursement at a later date, as requested by the City's Finance <br />Director. Staff is working on a long-range financing plan for the downtown redevelopment efforts. This <br />plan will identify various options for funding the purchase and redevelopment of properties within the <br />downtown. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the purchase of the house located at 14635 Forest <br />Boulevard, in the amount of $149,000. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PURCHASE OF USED PLOW TRUCKS (REQUEST TO SUBMIT SEALED BID) <br />Earlier this year, Council and staff met with officials from Springsted Inc., to prepare the City's capital <br />improvements program. Included in the program was a request to purchase plow trucks for the City's <br />public works department. Included in the City's 2001 budget is $85,000 to purchase plow trucks. The <br />City of Apple Valley is accepting sealed bids by the end of the month for the sale of a 1988 and 1989 <br />single -axle Ford L8000 plow trucks. Public Works Director Chris Petree researched the purchase of <br />these used plow trucks from Apple Valley and has obtained all maintenance records for the vehicles. <br />This is a unique opportunity for the City to save a significant amount of taxpayer dollars while acquiring <br />two excellent used plow trucks. <br />