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2001.09.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.09.05 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of September 5, 2001 <br />Page 5 <br />140THSTREET REOPENING (AUGUST 23.2001 MEETING) <br />The Council held a special meeting on August 23, 2001 at the Withrow Elementary School to discuss <br />with residents the proposed reopening of 14e Street. After staff presentations and discussions with the <br />residents, the Council voted to reopen 14& Street and directed staff to determine the availability of <br />gravel from Dresel Excavating and prepare a breakdown of project costs and funding sources. Public <br />Works Director Chris Petree, along with Finance Director Ron Otkin, prepared a matrix with all related <br />costs for presentation to Council for discussion, and the potential reallocation of funds within in the <br />public works department budget. Dresel Excavating will do the work for the City at the original gravel <br />contract price. No additional Council action was required. <br />APPEAL JD2 COURT COSTS <br />At its August 6, 2001 meeting, the Council unanimously accepted the recommendation from the <br />JD2/Hardwood Creek Blue Ribbon Task Force for its mediated settlement agreement with the MnDNR, <br />BWSR, and the RCWD for the JD2 surface water management plan. The Council had previously <br />directed staff to work with City Attorney Dave Snyder to remove the City from the JD2 lawsuit and to <br />pay remaining court fees, which had been negotiated by Attorney Paul Haik, from $30,000 down to <br />$6,000. The three agencies have appealed the court fees and asked that they be reimbursed for their true <br />costs associated with the JD2 trial. Staff has contacted the MnDNR, and they have agreed to stop the <br />appeal process if the Council removes the City of Hugo's name from the JD2 appeal. DNR <br />Commissioner Allan Garber held a meeting with top DNR officials whereby the DNR agrees to accept <br />the mediated settlement agreement from the Task Force and stop the appeal process in exchange for <br />having Hugo's name removed entirely (it is listed in name only and has no bearing on the appeal) <br />because of appearance of the City leading the charge against the state. Because of a conflict of interest, <br />Mayor Miron stepped down and passed the gavel to acting Mayor Chuck Haas. Attorney Snyder and <br />Council commented fiirther on this issue. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, directing the City Attorney to: 1) request postponement of the <br />September 21, 2001 motion hearing before Judge Muehlberg; 2) authorize the City Attorney to prepare a <br />brief opposing the appeal; and 3) authorize staff to continue negotiations with all agencies. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Acting Mayor Haas then passed the gavel back to Mayor Miron. <br />SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION FOR ONEKA LAKEVIEW NORTH <br />The developer for Oneka Lakeview North subdivision made application to the City for substantial <br />completion for the public improvements for the development. City Engineer Dave Mitchell reviewed <br />the work completed to date and found it to be satisfactorily completed according to city engineering <br />standards. On Tuesday, August 28, 2001, Mayor Miron notified staff that North Suburban, developer for <br />the project, had ordered a bituminous driveway be installed at the former Robinette house at 6178 Oneka <br />Lake Blvd. North Suburban had not received permission from the City to blacktop the driveway. <br />Council should consider the substantial completion requested by the developer and the construction of a <br />bituminous driveway onto the former Robinette house as two separate issues. <br />
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