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City Council meeting of September 5, 2001 <br />Page 6 <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the substantial completion of the public improvements <br />for the Oneka Lakeview North development to allow release of building permits and certificates of <br />occupancy. There shall be no releasetreduction of any financial guarantees. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Councilman Haas discussed the property at 6178 Oneka Lake Boulevard (Christianson) stating that the <br />driveway at that residence was eliminated upon platting of the property, and that a CUP would be <br />required to allow a driveway to cross a drainage easement. The developer constructed a bituminous <br />driveway recently, and it is a hazard to public safety and welfare. <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, directing the City Attorney to prepare a Findings of Fact outlining <br />Council reasons to have the driveway removed at 6178 Oneka Lake Boulevarfd, and serve notice on the <br />developer that the driveway was installed without a permit and should be removed. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SOUTH ONEKA LAKE OUTLET/165m STREET DITCH PROJECT <br />At its July 2, 2001 meeting, the Council listened to a presentation from Water Resource Engineer Pete <br />Willenbring from WSB whereby he provided an update on the City's resource projects. Pete explained <br />the South Oneka Lake Outlet/165m Ditch Project for Council, and the Council was supportive of the <br />work to date. Since that time, staff received a request from a property owner asking the Council to <br />reinitiate the project in order for the property owners to proceed with cleaning out of the 165' ditch. <br />City staff recommended Council direct Mr. Willenbring to begin the process of updating the feasibility <br />study as a public improvement project and involve any and all property owners and staff, as needed, to <br />bring that information back to the Council for approval at a later date. Mr. Willenbring was at the <br />meeting and discussed the background for this project and scope of work to be performed, which would <br />cost between $3,800 and $5,400. Council members Granger and Petryk felt that it was too soon for them <br />to authorize engineering work for this project, as they needed more information to make a decision. <br />Miran made motion, Haas seconded, to schedule a Council workshop for October 9, 2001, City Hall, at <br />7:00 pm, to discuss the south Oneka Lake outlet/165'h ditch project with area residents. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT (SPARROW CREST <br />SUBDIVISION) <br />The developers of Sparrow Crest subdivision requested final acceptance of the Sparrow Crest <br />development, and an additional reduction in the letter of credit below the 25% of the construction cost, <br />which was agreed to in the Development Agreement. Specifically, the developer asked that the letter of <br />credit be reduced $5,250, which is 20% of the original estimate of construction costs. Dan and Kim <br />Sparrow, developers of the subdivision, were present to discuss their request with the Council. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, authorizing final acceptance of the Sparrow Crest development, <br />