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2001.09.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.09.17 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of September 17, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT FOR VEIT AND COMPANY (WATER MAIN EXTENSION <br />PROJECT) <br />Veit and Company made a request for payment to the City for work completed on the water main <br />extension project. City Engineer Dave Mitchell has reviewed the request for payment and recommends <br />Council approve payment in the amount of $179,226.14. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />payment in the amount of $179,226.14 to Veit Company for work completed on the water main <br />extension project. <br />RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE MNDOT TO COMPLETE SPEED STUDY ON 140M ST. <br />At its September 5, 2001 meeting, the Council authorized the reopening of 140m Street next to Lake <br />Plaisted. Staff included in its recommendation a direction to staff to work with MnDOT to prepare a <br />speed study as MnDOT officials require a Council resolution authorizing the speed study. This <br />resolution would be provided to MnDOT as part of its formal process to provide the City with a speed <br />study. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved a resolution (2001-54) authorizing MnDOT to <br />complete a speed study on 140' Street, between CR8 and Keystone Avenue. <br />APPROVAL OF REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT FOR BEAVER PONDS 4m <br />ADDITION <br />Oakwood Land Development submitted a letter to the City requesting a reduction in the letter of credit <br />for the Beaver Ponds 4 Addition. City Engineer Dave Mitchell reviewed the original letter of credit for <br />$160,000, based on the estimated construction cost of $128,000. The remaining work on the project is <br />estimated at less than $25,000. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reduction in the letter of <br />credit for the Beaver Ponds 0 Addition subdivision to the amount of $32,000. <br />SCHWIETERS TIF/PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR LOTS 4 & 5. BLOCK 1. BUILDING #4 <br />City staff published notice for a public hearing at 7:00 pm at the September 17, 2001 Council meeting. <br />Due to changes that have not been approved by both parties, staff recommended Council open the public <br />hearing as legally published in the White Bear Press, and table the issue until the first or second meeting <br />in October 2001. Mayor Miron opened the public hearing at 7:15 pm and there were no oral or written <br />comments. <br />Puleo made motion, Petryk seconded, to table this matter until a meeting in October 2001. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />NOR -LAKES TANKER CARS <br />At its September 5, 2001 meeting, the Council expressed its desire to have the tanker cars on the railroad <br />tracks in front of the Nor -Lakes building removed immediately. Staff has spoken with officials from <br />Nor -Lakes and Minnesota Commercial Railroad, and both have agreed to cooperate with the City and <br />have the cars removed very soon. City Administrator Mike Ericson stated that he had spoken to Nor - <br />Lakes president Mike Taglia, and the numerous rail cars are a result of a duplication of a production <br />order, and will be removed in the very near future. <br />
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