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City Council meeting of September 17, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />JD2 APPEAL COURT COSTS <br />At its September 5, 2001 meeting, Council directed City Attorney Dave Snyder to prepare a letter to the <br />State Attorney General's office, who is preparing the court costs related to the JD2 lawsuit appeal <br />process for the MnDNR and BWSR. Mayor Miron passed the gavel to Acting Mayor Chuck Haas. Mr. <br />Snyder provided the Council with an update on his work to -date on this issue. No Council action was <br />required. Acting Mayor Haas then passed the gavel back to Mayor Miron. <br />GOR EM/BRAMSTEDT LLC COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO INCLUDE 59 <br />ACRES IN MUSA <br />At its July 16, 2001 meeting, the Council tabled action on the application from Gor-Em LLC at the <br />request of the applicant. The applicant requested that the item be tabled to allow the City additional time <br />to complete work on its capital improvements program. The applicant is requesting a comp plan <br />amendment to include 59 acres within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). The applicant's <br />property is located within the urban reserve; however, the urban reserve is the land located outside of the <br />2020 MUSA that is planned to receive municipal sewer and water. The decision to include additional <br />property within MUSA is a policy decision of the Council. At its meeting in June 2001, the Planning <br />Commission considered the issues related to the applicant, and recommended denial of the request. CD <br />Director John Rask provided a history of the request and reviewed the criteria used in analyzing the <br />request. The Council discussed the need for improved transportation for Goodview Avenue and access <br />to TH61, as well as the lack of adequate supply for the potential 122 home sites. Gor-Em LLC Planner <br />Mike Gair addressed the Council stating why the Council should support their request. He also stated <br />that the developer was willing to financially participate in the street improvements needed for Goodview <br />Avenue; however, he was not able to say to what degree they would be able to contribute. Councilman <br />Haas commented that the project did have obstacles, but also many positives. Because existing <br />transportation problems will probably be remedied in the future, he felt that the request was somewhat <br />"before its time". Developer Mike Quigley verbally agreed to waive the statutory review period for the <br />review of the development application. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2001-55 APPROVING FINDINGS OF <br />FACT DENYING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR GOR -EM LLC FOR <br />PROPERTY EAST OF GOODVIEW AVENUE SOUTH OF 145T STREET. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />FINAL ACCEPTANCE FOR ONEKA LAKE VIEW/ONEKA LAKE VIEW EAST <br />The Oneka Lake View and Oneka Lake View East townhome developments have been completed for <br />more than one year. City Engineer Dave Mitchell reviewed all of the work, and found them to be in <br />compliance with the Development Agreements and City standards. City staff recommended Council <br />approve the final acceptance for the Oneka Lake View and Oneka Lake View East townhome <br />developments and release all escrows and securities, as required by the Development Agreements. <br />Residents Diana LaRock, Rosemary Gorenz, and Ron Gray cited specific areas of the development that <br />have not been satisfied according to the Development Agreement: private road and traffic control signs; <br />landscaping; one dead tree; overlay on Oneka Lake Blvd; and removal of silt fence adjacent to ditch. <br />