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City Council meeting of November 19, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />disconnect panel. The cost of the Change Order is $850.50. Adoption of the Consent accepted the City <br />Engineer's recommendation and approved the Change Order for well house No. 3. <br />APPROVE MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE POOL <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin received the City employees' annual membership renewal in a health <br />insurance pool. Adoption of the Consent approved the annual membership renewal in a health <br />insurance pool with the Southwest and West Central Service Cooperative. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST FOR WORK COMPLETED ON NEW CITY HALL (MARK <br />HAUG CONSTRUCTION) <br />City Hall architect Bob Russek received a payment request from Mark Haug Construction for work <br />completed to date on the new City Hall, and recommended Council authorize payment in the amount of <br />$263,150. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the payment to Mark Haug in the amount of <br />$263,150. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST FOR WORK COMPLETED ON WATER STORAGE TANK NO.3 <br />(LANDMARK STRUCTURES) <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell received a payment request from Landmark Structures, Inc., for work <br />completed to date on water storage tank No. 3, and recommended Council authorize payment in the <br />amount of $351,155.62. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the payment to Landmark <br />Structures, Inc., in the amount of $351,155.62. <br />APPROVE CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE (AMERICAN LEGION POST #6201 <br />The American Legion Post #620 made application to the City for a charitable gambling license to sell <br />pulltabs at its establishment located at 5736 147" Street North. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved renewal of the charitable gambling license for the American Legion Post #620 to sell pull tabs <br />at 5736 147" Street as requested. <br />HUGO LAND DEVELOPMENT (MN UNION BLDRS) INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS <br />At its September 5, 2001 meeting, the City Council approved an inducement resolution giving <br />preliminary approval for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds and authorizing the submission of an <br />application to the Minnesota Department of Finance. Bond counsel Mary Ippel from Briggs and <br />Morgan reviewed the application and bond documents and found them to be in order. City staff <br />recommended Council approve the issuance and sale of industrial revenue bonds in the amount of <br />$6,550,000, subject to final approval by the City's bond counsel. Mayor Miron opened the public <br />hearing at 7:14 pm, and there were no oral or written comments. CD Director John Rask stated that <br />according to compnay officials, there wold be 100new jobs created and and additional 50 in the field. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2001-69, AUTHORIZING THE <br />ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $6,550,000 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS, <br />SERIES 2001 TO FINANCE A PROJECT (MN UNION BUILDERS). <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Miron Motion Carried. <br />