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2001.11.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.11.19 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of November 19, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />CABLING AND TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR NEW CITY HALL <br />For the past several months, staff has met with vendors to develop and design the new cabling and <br />telephone system for the new City Hall. City staff received six bids for the telephone and cabling work <br />for the new City Hall, and recommended that Computer Integrated Technologies (CIT) be awarded the <br />bid for the telephone system and cable work at a combined low bid of $25,649.46. <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, to award the cabling and telephone system for the new City <br />Hall to CIT at a cost of $25,649.46. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FURNITURE, FIXTURES, AND EQUIPMENT FOR NEW CITY HALL <br />At its November 5, 2001 meeting, the Council considered the low bid of $110,824.24 that had been <br />submitted by Casper Systems for the furniture, fixtures, and equipment for the new City Hall. City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder recommended Council give Casper Systems 11 more days, until November 16, <br />2001, to provide the City Hall Building Committee with specific products list and samples. On <br />November 9, 2001, the Committee reviewed with Casper representatives, chair samples and catalog <br />samples of all FF&E. Mike Granger, member of the Committee, stated that they were not satisfied that <br />the product list is that which was specified. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to rebid the furniture, fixtures, and equipment for <br />the new City Hall, with more specific description, including manufacturers of all FF&E. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />JD2 JOINT PROPOSAL FOR FUNDING <br />Rice Creek Watershed District engineer Emmons and Olivier Resources held a meeting on November <br />1, 2001, and invited the City of Forest Lake, City of Hugo, and Washington County officials to discuss <br />the proposed culvert replacement work for JD2. Greg Felt from the Washington County Engineering <br />Department suggested that the projects be done as one project and packaged in a funding request to the <br />State of Minnesota. This funding proposal was discussed by the JD2 Blue Ribbon Task Force at its <br />November 13, 2001 meeting, and it unanimously recommended that all respective agencies endorse the <br />funding proposal and Joint Powers Agreement to complete the work. City staff will share additional <br />information at the Council meeting. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, that the Council endorse the project's funding proposal and <br />authorized staff to enter into an agreement to solicit funds from the State of Minnesota to finance the <br />culvert replacement work. A resolution outlining this direction will be drafted for Council review. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />2002 BUDGET UPDATE AND SALARY MATRIX REVIEW <br />Paul Ness from Helping Minnesota Cities, Inc., was present to discuss with Council the proposed <br />
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