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City Council meeting of December. 17, 2001 <br />Page 5 <br />35E AND CSAH 14 INTERCHANGE <br />The Hugo City Council and Planning Commission held a joint meeting two weeks ago with developers <br />for the property north of CR 8, and an issue of concern voiced by a number of individuals was the need <br />for an upgrade to the interchange at 35E and CSAH 14. The City Administrator recently met with the <br />City Administrators from the cities of Lino Lakes and Centerville, and both expressed concern on <br />behalf of their respective city councils for this issue to be addressed at some time in the very near <br />future. The first of three public meetings is scheduled for January 15, 2002, at the Hugo Fire Hall, 4:30 <br />pm to 7:00 pm, to discuss this issue. No formal Council was taken. <br />TH61 PROPERTY FOR SALE <br />At its December 3, 2001 meeting, the Council directed staff to make a site inspection visit of property <br />for sale on TH61, which is currently used as a local trucking terminal. On Friday, December 7, 2001, <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree and City Administrator Mike Ericson met with the realtor <br />representing the owners and toured the facility. Staff stated that the building was in average condition, <br />and felt that the asking price for the property was too high. Councilman Haas stated that he would like <br />to see a "footprint" of the building that the public works department would need to operate effectively, <br />with a layout of all the vehicles and equipment. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, that the City make an offer on property located at 15717 Forest <br />Blvd., for 10% above the 2002 city assessor's taxable valuation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />NEW APPRAISAL FOR BERNIN PROPERTY <br />Staff is finalizing the Purchase Agreement for the Bernin property for which the City has been awarded <br />a $305,000 grant from the DNR. Bruce Bernin and staff have requested a new appraisal on the property <br />since the last one was done in February 2001. Mr. Bernin will inform the City what he would like to <br />see in the agreement, and that would be reflected in the appraisal. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to secure another appraisal for the Bruce Bernin <br />property and schedule another meeting to discuss acquisition of the property with Councilmen Frank <br />Puleo and Mike Granger in attendance. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />ABSTAINED: Chuck Haas <br />Motion Carried. <br />PACING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT <br />At its December 3, 2001 meeting, the Council directed staff to prepare information regarding the term <br />"pacing" for residential development and bring that information to Council for consideration. CD <br />Director John Rask and City Attorney Dave Snyder prepared materials for consideration by Council. <br />Legally, the City cannot limit building permits. The Council was concerned that staff would be <br />"buried" when the building moratorium was lifted in February 2002. CD Director John Rask informed <br />