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City Council meeting of December 17, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br />PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOR DEPUTY CITY CLERK/RECEPTIONIST <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the recommendation of the City Administrator to not offer <br />continued employment to clerk/receptionist Kristi Montanari, as per the City's Personnel Policy as it <br />relates to probationary employees. <br />REQUEST FOR PAYMENT FROM MUNICIPAL BUILDERS (PUMP HOUSE NO.31 <br />Municipal Builders submitted its request for payment for work completed to date on pump house No. 3. <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell reviewed the pay request and recommended Council authorize payment in <br />the amount of $12,441.04. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the payment to Municipal <br />Builders in the amount of $12,441.04. <br />FURNITURE. FIXTURES, AND EQUIPMENT FOR NEW CITY HALL <br />On Tuesday, December 11, 2001, City staff opened a total of six bids for the furniture, fixtures, and <br />equipment (FF&E) for the new City Hall. The bids ranged from a high of $125,000 to a low of <br />$86,856.77. City staff reviewed with City Attorney Dave Snyder the bids that had been submitted, and <br />found that the low bid submitted by Pink Business Interiors was irregular— no full-size floor plan with <br />furniture layout or sales tax was included in the bid. The City Attorney recommended that the contract <br />be awarded to the second lowest bidder. Councilman Puleo requested City staff work with Metro <br />Systems to make sure delivery of the FF&E is made in a timely manner. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to award the low bid for FF&E to Metro Systems in the amount <br />of $101,642.36, and to further direct the City Hall Building Committee to meet with Metro System's <br />representatives to finalize the selection of colors and fabrics. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DRIVEWAY APPLICATION ON ONEKA LAKE BLVD. <br />As directed by the City Council, City staff has reviewed the issues related to the construction of a <br />blacktop driveway at 6178 Oneka Lake Blvd and the home formerly owned by the Robbinettes, <br />currently owned by the developer, North Suburban Builders. The driveway has been constructed, along <br />with black dirt and sod, and a "For Sale" sign has been installed in the front yard. Staff has had <br />communication with the developer, and to date has not received written response regarding the desire to <br />have the driveway removed. City Attorney Dave Snyder advised the Council that they have three <br />options: 1) do nothing; 2) permit developer to market the property and deal with new home owner at a <br />later date; or 3) compel developer to apply for a CUP. <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, directing the City Attorney to send a letter to North Suburban <br />Development requesting that they apply for a Conditional Use Permit, and a report will be made to the <br />Council at its next meeting (01 /07/02). <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />