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2001.12.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.12.17 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of December 17, 2001 <br />Page 7 <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON AUAR FOR EVERTON AVENUE <br />Andrea Moffat of WSB was present at the Council meeting to review the Scope of Work for the <br />Everton Avenue Study, which included the preparation of an Alternative Urban Areawide Review <br />(AUAR). The purpose of preparing the AUAR was to satisfy the provisions of the Minnesota <br />Environmental Policy Act for an environmental review. The draft AUAR was sent to ten different <br />governmental agencies, as required by the environmental rules, and the City received comments from <br />seven governmental agencies during the 30 -day comment period. Staff recommended Council review <br />the agencies' comments and staffs responses to each comment, and provide City staff with any <br />comments or concerns for incorporation into the final AUAR document. No formal Council action was <br />taken. <br />BEAVER PONDS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT SOUTH OF 12im STREET <br />Several property owners, who live on 128x' Street, were present at the meeting requesting City <br />assistance in making drainage improvements to a swale located in their back yards. Jean Weiss was <br />present to state her objection to the project unless the swale was constructed to the height of 931.7 ft. <br />This matter was brought before Council in August 2001, and Council authorized the City Engineer to <br />examine options for improving the swale. The developer of Beaver Ponds has agreed to pay <br />approximately $13,200 of the approximately $17,000 project. While the developer is not legally <br />obligated to pay for the improvements, he has accepted some responsibility and wants to see the project <br />completed to the satisfaction of the residents and the City. Residents have not yet secured the $3,200 in <br />funding for their share of the cost. Staff provided Council with two options to consider: 1) authorize <br />the developer to complete the project with some assistance from the City; or 2) decline any City <br />involvement in the project. Some Council members did not feel that the project should use general <br />taxpayer funds, nor did they want to pit "neighbor against neighbor". The Council hoped that the <br />residents could come to some resolution amongst themselves, and if needed, the City would help <br />facilitate the project. No finther Council action was taken. <br />TSCHIDA AND MOLPTOR REZONING <br />At the direction of the City Council, the Planning Commission considered a rezoning of the Molitor and <br />Tschida property from Multi -Family to General Industrial. The Planning Commission recommended <br />denial of this rezoning given the close proximity of residential homes in the area, as well as concerns <br />about the usability of the parcels for larger industrial uses. In review of the rezoning, the Commission <br />found that an officellight industrial zoning district might be appropriate. As such, the Planning <br />Commission is considering the adoption of a new officellight industrial zoning district that could than be <br />applied to the Molitor and Tschida properties. The public hearing on the new district and rezoning is <br />scheduled for the December 19`h Planning Commission meeting. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to deny the Comprehensive Plan amendment and the rezoning of <br />the Moliton/Tschida property from multi -family to general industrial. The City Attorney is directed to <br />prepare a Findings of Fact based on Planning Commission and Council discussions. <br />
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