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City Council meeting of July 17, 2000 <br />Page 2 <br />CITY MEMBERSHIP IN METRO EAST DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP <br />City staff had met with the executive director and officials from Metro East Development <br />Partnership (MEDP) in regard to bringing business to the City of Hugo. Membership in the MEDP <br />will allow the City access to new businesses, diversity, and discretion in request for proposals <br />(RFP), and an increased commercial tax base. <br />Adoption of the Consent agenda approved the City's membership in MEDP at an annual cost of <br />$500. <br />HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION <br />In accordance with adopted practice and policy, the Hugo Fire Department Relief Association had <br />reviewed its bylaws and recommended changes, which were suggested by the local law firm, K. <br />Boston Legal Services. The City Attorney had also reviewed the changes recommended by the <br />local firm, who is experienced in relief association bylaw work, and concurred and recommended <br />that the City Council approve the bylaw changes. <br />Leroux made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the bylaw changes as recommended by the City <br />Attorney and K. Boston Legal Services. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />NO PARKING SIGNS ON 130TH STJFARNHAM AVE. <br />Wilson Tool, 12912 Farnham Ave. N., requested the City of Hugo install `No Parking' signs on <br />130'h St. and Farnham Ave. In a letter to the City, Wilson Tool had sited a number of factors to <br />support their request: parking on its premises was adequate to accommodate all employees; <br />vehicular traffic had significantly increased with the opening of Fenway Boulevard and the new <br />residential subdivision; deliveries within the industrial park had increased causing congestion, <br />which was exacerbated by street parking, creating unsafe sight lines; and snowplowing and snow <br />removal was difficult with on -street parking, especially on Farnham Ave., as it is a dead end street. <br />This request was reviewed by Chris Petree, Public Works Director, who concurred with the safety <br />concerns raised by Wilson Tool and recommended the approval of the request. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the installation of `No Parking' signs on <br />130'" Street and Farnham Ave. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />COMPANY SIGN FOR WILSON TOOL <br />The City Council considered the request of Wilson Tool, 12912 Farnham Ave. N., to construct a <br />monument sign, which would replace its existing company sign on the corner of 130'h St., and <br />Farnham. The City's Building Official reviewed the request, and determined it met all <br />requirements of the City's sign ordinance. <br />Petryk made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to approve the new Wilson Tool Company sign as <br />requested. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />