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City Council meeting of July 17, 2000 <br />Page 3 <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR 132ND STREET APPRAISALS <br />The City had received a petition for the installation of bituminous surfacing on 132d Street from <br />the east line of Goodview Avenue to the west line of Henna Avenue on February 21, 2000, and <br />accepted by the City Council on March 20, 2000. City Staff had solicited Request For Proposals <br />for limited appraisals of the benefited properties and received quotes from McKinzie Metro <br />Appraisal and Lake State Realty. <br />Leroux made motion, Haas seconded, to hire McKinzie Metro Appraisals for the assessment <br />project at a cost of $4,200. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />CREEKVIEW PRESERVE 3" ADDITION - <br />The developers of Creekview Preserve Yd Addition requested the City Council find the project to <br />be found substantially complete. The City engineering staff reviewed the project and found <br />remaining work that needed to be done such as final lift of bituminous on the streets, turf <br />restoration, maintenance and cleanup of erosion control features, and final inspection of public <br />improvements. The Engineer felt the project could be considered substantially complete but <br />recommended no building permits be issued until the City received satisfactory test results for the <br />utilities and streets. <br />Becky made motion, Haas seconded, to not accept the project as being substantially complete. <br />Ayes: Haas, Petryk, Stoltzman <br />Nay: Leroux <br />Motion passed. <br />*Note: Creekview Preserve was reconsidered after the next item. <br />SWEET GRASS MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION <br />At its July 3, 2000, regularly scheduled meeting, the City Council tabled action on the approval of, <br />and acceptance of, public utilities for Sweet Grass Meadows 3`d Addition. City staff had been in <br />contact with the developer, Rocky Goertz, regarding a number of items that needed to be <br />completed prior to acceptance of the public utilities by the City. The City Council considered the <br />recommendation of the City Engineer to accept the project as being substantially complete. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Leroux seconded, to accept Sweet Grass. Meadows to be substantially <br />complete, but no building permits were to be issued until the public utilities passed final inspection <br />by the City Engineer, erosion control and road issues were resolved, general turf establishment and <br />grading was completed in accordance with the development agreement. <br />Aye: Haas, Leroux, Stoltzman <br />Abstain: Petryk <br />Motion carried. <br />