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City Council meeting of May 3, 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />PUBLIC HEARING (140TH STREET GRADING REALIGNMENT) <br />A public hearing was held to consider the making of an improvement to the railroad crossing at <br />140th Street, pursuant to MS 429.011 to 429.111. The proposed project includes reconstructing <br />140th Street from the east line for Finale Avenue to the west line of Forest Boulevard, and <br />lowering the grade by four (4') ft of the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe railroad tracks crossing <br />140th Street. The road would be widened to approximately 60 ft to allow turn lanes. Storm <br />sewer improvements would be constructed, curb and gutter, and bituminous paving will be made. <br />A 10 ft bituminous trail is proposed along the south side of 140th Street. The estimated cost of <br />this project is $157,000. The area proposed to be assessed for the project are those properties <br />benefiting from the project and fronting 140th Street between Finale Avenue and Forest Blvd. <br />This project was discussed at the City Council meeting of April 19, 1999, but due to an error in <br />noticing of the hearing, was rescheduled for this evening. The public hearing was opened and <br />Mike Fleischhaker questioned if residents of Oneka Estates and future users of the road would <br />also be assessed. He was also concerned that all necessary improvements be made now. Galen <br />Carlson questioned the number of exiting lanes, and stated the present need of a traffic signal. <br />The Council then discussed the trail/bike path, with Council member Barnes suggesting that a 5' <br />trail be placed on both sides of the street rather than 10' on one side. Tom Angus, City <br />Engineer, stated that there was insufficient right-of-way on the north side. An assessment <br />resolution will be drafted for Council review at their meeting of May 17, 1999. <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT BEAVER PONDS #3) <br />Oakwood Land Development applied to subdivide part of Outlot A, Beaver Ponds 2nd Addition <br />into 21 single family homes. The property is within the SFU zoning district, and generally lies in <br />the southeast quadrant of TH61 and 130th Street. This matter was subject to a public hearing <br />before the PC at their meeting of April 28, 1999, at which time the PC recommended approval of <br />the preliminary plat subject to Findings of Facts and Conditions. <br />Barnes made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to approve the preliminary plat for Beaver Ponds #3 <br />to subdivide part of Outlot A 2nd Addition into 21 single family homes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PRELE IINARY PLAT (BEAVER PONDS #4) <br />Oakwood Land Development applied to subdivide 5.93 acres of Outlot A, Beaver Ponds 2nd <br />Addition into 26 single family attached homes (13 twinhomes). The property is located in the <br />SFU zoning district, and is part of a previously -approved PUD on the site. This application was <br />subject to a public hearing by the PC at their meeting of April 28, 1999, at which time they <br />recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to the Findings of Facts and Conditions. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the preliminary plat for Beaver Ponds #4 to <br />subdivide part of Outlot A 2nd Addition into 26 single family attached homes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />