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1999.05.10 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1999 CC Minutes
1999.05.10 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of May 3, 1999 <br />Page 5 <br />TOWNHOMES OF BALD EAGLE PUD (CONCEPT APPROVAL) <br />Royal Oaks Realty, Inc., applied for a PUD consisting of 204 townhome units on 39.16 acres <br />located north of 130th Street and west of Fenway Boulevard, under the City's south water <br />tower. The applicants requested approval of preliminary development plans in accordance with <br />City Code, Chapter 320-5, Subd. K(11). This plan was reviewed the PC at their meeting of <br />April 28, 1999, and recommended approval of the concept subject to the conditions found in the <br />staff report. Approval of the concept would provided guidance to the developer for preparation <br />of the preliminary plat, which will be subject to a hearing before the PC. Mike Black, <br />representing Royal Oaks Realty, discussed, at length, the scope of the project and type of <br />structures. Council members Petryk and Haas felt the project too dense with the need of more <br />open space. <br />Barnes made motion, Haas seconded, to table this matter until the meeting of May 17, 1999. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MINNEGASGO FRANCHISE APPLICATION <br />Reliant Energy/Minnegasco applied for a franchise to provide natural gas service within the City. <br />The City currently has nonexclusive franchise issued to NSP service in the community. The <br />Council considered a draft ordinance granting Minnegasco a franchise to service customers in the <br />City. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to schedule a public hearing for June 7, 1999, at 7:05 p.m. <br />to consider adoption of a franchise ordinance for Reliant Energy/Minnegasco to provide natural <br />gas service in the City. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SCHW IETERS LETTER <br />Tom Junnila reviewed Schwieters Development Corporation request that the City reduce the cost <br />of the property they are. purchasing in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park due to the fact that the City <br />will not be mitigating approximately 9,452 sq ft of wetlands located in the southeast corner of the <br />site, as originally agreed to. Based on the $$90,000/acre the City is charging Schwieters <br />Development, the cost reduction amounts to $19,471.12. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to reduce the price for property purchased by Schwieters <br />Development in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park by $19,471.12. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Stoltzman <br />VOTING NAY: Becky Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />
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